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Full Stack E-Commerce + Dashboard & CMS: Next.js 13 App Router, React, Tailwind, Prisma, MySQL, 2023

Copy of Copy of Fullstack Twitter Clone (1)

For DEMO, use Stripe Testing Cards

This is a repository for a Full Stack E-Commerce + Dashboard & CMS: Next.js 13 App Router, React, Tailwind, Prisma, MySQL


Key Features:

  • We will be using Shadcn UI for the Admin!
  • Our admin dashboard is going to serve as both CMS, Admin and API!
  • You will be able to control mulitple vendors / stores through this single CMS! (For example you can have a "Shoe store" and a "Laptop store" and a "Suit store", and our CMS will generate API routes for all of those individually!)
  • You will be able to create, update and delete categories!
  • You will be able to create, update and delete products!
  • You will be able to upload multiple images for products, and change them whenever you want!
  • You will be able to create, update and delete filters such as "Color" and "Size", and then match them in the "Product" creation form.
  • You will be able to create, update and delete "Billboards" which are these big texts on top of the page. You will be able to attach them to a single category, or use them standalone (Our Admin generates API for all of those cases!)
  • You will be able to Search through all categories, products, sizes, colors, billboards with included pagination!
  • You will be able to control which products are "featured" so they show on the homepage!
  • You will be able to see your orders, sales, etc.
  • You will be able to see graphs of your revenue etc.
  • You will learn Clerk Authentication!
  • Order creation
  • Stripe checkout
  • Stripe webhooks
  • MySQL + Prisma + PlanetScale


Node version 14.x

Cloning the repository

git clone

Install packages

npm i

Setup .env file


# This was inserted by `prisma init`:
# Environment variables declared in this file are automatically made available to Prisma.
# See the documentation for more detail:

# Prisma supports the native connection string format for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, MongoDB and CockroachDB.
# See the documentation for all the connection string options:


Connect to PlanetScale and Push Prisma

npx prisma generate
npx prisma db push

Start the app

npm run dev

Available commands

Running commands with npm npm run [command]

command description
dev Starts a development instance of the app