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iMatic Relayboard Controller

Java API for the SainSmart iMatic 16 Channel RelayBoard.


Feel free to create issues and open tickets, if something wents wrong, you have a feature Request, or need help.

Commandline Usage

To use this API from Command line, you need Java. Download the jar-file from /bin/

For command line usage start the jar with the java -jar option in the folder where you put the Jar file. The CLI is working with relay numbers from 1-16. Internally the API is working with typical numbers from 0-15.

Example set States
$ java -jar Relayboard-Controller.jar --action set-all --state ON
1. ON
2. ON
3. ON
4. etc.
16. ON
Example set State
$ java -jar Relayboard-Controller.jar --action set-state --state OFF -r 1
1. OFF  
Example set States
$ java -jar Relayboard-Controller.jar --action set-state --state ON -r 1,4
1. ON  
4. ON
Example toggle States
$ java -jar Relayboard-Controller.jar --action get-state -r 1,4
1. ON  
4. OFF
$ java -jar Relayboard-Controller.jar --action toggle -r 1,4
1. OFF  
4. ON

CLI Options

--debug                  : Sets to debugmode and prints full stacktraces. (default: false)
--timeout N              : Set connect timeout in milliseconds. (Vorgabe: 0)
-a (--action) WERT       : Sets the action. Available actions: (default: get-all)
      -      set-all: set <state> to ALL relays on the board  (ignores -r)
      -      get-all: print states of all relays to standard output (ignores -r)
      -      get-state: get state of relay(s) specified in --relay option (requires -r)
      -      set-state: get state of relay(s) specified in --relay option (requires -r & -s)
      -      toggle|toggle-state: set the opposite state of the specified relay(s) (requires -r)
      -      toggle-all: set the opposite state of the specified relay(s) (ignores -r) (FUTURE VERSION)
      -      touch: sets the relay(-r) to the given state(-s) for a given time(-t) (requires -r|s|t)
-h (--host) WERT         : Sets the target host (IP, or qualified name). (default:
-p (--port) N            : Sets the target port of the board. (default: 3000)
-r (--relay, --relays) N : Set the number of relay(s) to interact with. Like '1,4,6' (Vorgabe: 0)                        
-s (--state) [ON | OFF]  : Set the desired state for targeted relays. (default: ON)


Java API for the SainSmart iMatic 16Ch RelayBoard







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