Reproduce results from YAHPO Gym iaml.
You can install the released version from GitHub using:
Note that for exact reproduction, you need the R packages with the exact version as specified in the DESCRIPTION (i.e., == instead of >=) and also R version 4.0.5. Also note that some measures (ram and time related ones) can never be exactly reproduced because they depend on system hardware and system load.
By default, in all eval_*
functions, the original fixed seed is used and therefore, runs are fully deterministic,
(except for the ram and time measures mentioned above).
To change this, simply provide a custom seed.
Note that data is obtained via mlr3oml
and is cached via qs
scenario = "iaml_glmnet"
configuration = list(alpha = 0.1, s = 0.1, trainsize = 0.05, task_id = "40981")
eval_yahpo(scenario, configuration)