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The Playwright Snippets 2023 Extension is a powerful tool that enhances the automation capabilities of Playwright, enabling developers and QA professionals to build robust, maintainable, and efficiently.


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Playwright Snippets 2024🎭

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  • This snippet adheres to the Page object model
  • Typescript or Javascript languages are intended for use with this extension.

Getting Started

This Visual Studio Code extension adds predefined useful code snippets for 🎭 Playwright.

Used tools

  • playwright - Playwright is a Node.js library to automate tests cases for various browsers.
  • @playwright/test - Playwright Test provides a test function to declare tests and expect function to write assertions.
  • playwright-core - This package contains the no-browser flavor of Playwright.


  • Visual Studio Code (VS Code) version 1.80.0 or higher.


  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. Go to Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+X (Mac).
  3. Search for "Playwright Snippets Suite" in the Extensions view search box.
  4. Click on the Install button to install the extension.
  5. Reload Visual Studio Code to enable the extension.


  1. Open a JavaScript or TypeScript file in Visual Studio Code.
  2. Start typing one of the predefined snippets (e.g., p-) to trigger the code snippet suggestion.
  3. Select the desired snippet from the suggestions list, or press Tab to insert the snippet directly.
  4. Replace placeholders (if any) with your custom test code.

Snippets List

Test block

Snippet Content
p-td test.describe()
p-t test()
p-ts test.step()
p-tbe test.beforeEach()
p-tae test.afterEach()
p-tba test.beforeAll()
p-taa test.afterAll()
p-tuse test.use()


Snippet Content
p-i-pw Playwright module
p-i-chromium Import Chromium
p-i-firefox Import Firefox
p-i-webkit Import Webkit
p-i-devices Import devices

Browser actions

Snippet Content
p-browser-newContext browser.newContext()
p-browser-newPage browser.newPage()
p-connect-chromium Connect Chromium
p-l-chromium Launch Chromium
p-ls-chromium Launch Chromium Server
p-connect-firefox Connect Firefox
p-l-firefox Launch Firefox
p-ls-firefox Launch Firefox Server
p-connect-webkit Connect Webkit
p-l-webkit Launch Webkit
p-ls-webkit Launch Webkit Server
p-b-contexts browser.contexts
p-b-close browser.close
p-b-isConnected browser.isConnected
p-b-version browser.version
p-b-on-disconnected browser.on('disconnected')
p-bs-close browserServer.close
p-bs-kill browserServer.kill
p-bs-on-close browserServer.on('close')

Context actions

Snippet Content
p-context-newPage context.newPage()
p-context-pages context.pages()
p-bc-close browserContext.close
p-bc-cookies browserContext.cookies
p-bc-route browserContext.route
p-bc-unroute browserContext.unroute
p-bc-on-close browserContext.on('close')
p-bc-on-page browserContext.on('page')

Page actions

Snippet Content
p-goto page.goto()
p-dbclk page.dblclick()
p-clki page.nth().click()
p-chk page.check()
p-uchk page.uncheck()
p-hover page.hover()
p-press with options
p-sif page.setInputFiles()
p-screenshot-full Full page screenshot
p-screenshot-element Element screenshot
p-title page.title()
p-url page.url()
p-fill page.fill()
p-type page.type()
p-so page.selectOption()
p-isv page.isVisible()
p-ish page.isHidden()
p-isc page.isChecked()
p-isen page.isEnabled()
p-isd page.isDisabled()
p-ised page.isEditable()
p-getattr page.getAttribute()
p-itxt page.innerText()
p-count page.count()
p-focus page.focus()
p-goBack page.goBack()
p-goFwd page.goForward()
p-bringToFront page.bringToFront
p-close page.close
p-content page.content
p-pdf page.pdf
p-keyboard-insertText page.keyboard.insertText
p-keyboard-up page.keyboard.up
p-mouse-dbclk page.mouse.dblclick
p-mouse-down page.mouse.down
p-mouse-move page.mouse.move
p-mouse-up page.mouse.up

Page.on snippets

Snippet Content
p-on-close page.on('close')
p-on-console page.on('console')
p-on-crash page.on('crash')
p-on-dialog page.on('dialog')
p-on-domcontentloaded page.on('domcontentloaded')
p-on-frameattached page.on('frameattached')
p-on-framedetached page.on('framedetached')
p-on-framenavigated page.on('framenavigated')
p-on-load page.on('load')
p-on-pageerror page.on('pageerror')
p-on-popup page.on('popup')
p-on-request page.on('request')
p-on-requestfailed page.on('requestfailed')
p-on-requestfinished page.on('requestfinished')
p-on-response page.on('response')
p-on-worker page.on('worker')

Page assertion/expect actions

Snippet Content
p-etbv page.toBeVisible()
p-etbh page.toBeHidden()
p-etbe page.toBeEnabled()
p-etbd page.toBeDisabled()
p-etbc page.toBeChecked()
p-etb expect.toBe()
p-etht expect.toHaveTitle()
p-etctxt expect.toContainText()
p-ethattr expect.toHaveAttribute()
p-ethc expect.toHaveCount()
p-ethtxt expect.toHaveText()
p-ethURL expect.toHaveURL()
p-ethss expect.toHaveScreenshot()

New Advanced Locators

Snippet Content
p-get-txt page.getByText
p-get-r page.getByRole
p-get-l page.getByLabel
p-get-ti page.getByTestId
p-get-p page.getByPlaceholder
p-get-atxt page.getByAltText
p-get-title page.getByTitle
p-locator page.locate
p-$ page.$
p-$$ page.$$
p-$eval page.$eval
p-$$eval page.$$eval
p-locator-filter page.locator.filter

Page wait actions

Snippet Content
p-wf page.waitFor()
p-wfs page.waitForSelector()
p-wfls page.waitForLoadState()
p-wft page.waitForTimeout()
p-wfe page.waitForEvent()
p-wff page.waitForFunction()
p-wfn page.waitForNavigation()
p-wfreq page.waitForRequest()
p-wfres page.waitForResponse()

Other actions

Snippet Content
p-pam public async method() {...}
p-newPage Handle new tab/ page
p-newPopup Handle popups
p-testBlock Complete test block
p-saveHAR Save HAR file
p-route page.route
p-sample Sample playwright test
p-dragdrop-sample drag and drop example
p-config-expect expect.configure()

Happy Coding


The Playwright Snippets 2023 Extension is a powerful tool that enhances the automation capabilities of Playwright, enabling developers and QA professionals to build robust, maintainable, and efficiently.







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