This application is designed to run in a Docker compose container.
You can install it from repo, called "rsyslog-rails".
But you still can run it standalone.
Before start you need to set up postgresql to accept connections from you server and create databases for rsyslog and application, set up rsyslog to save logs into database.
Also you need to set up nginx or other reverse proxy to serve app and static assets.
Copy project to your server git clone && cd rails_rsyslog
Build it docker build -t rails_rsyslog .
Run it
docker run -d \
-v public:/rails/public \
-e \
-e \
-e DB_PASSWORD=db-password \
-e RSYSLOG_DB=rsyslog-db-name \
-e RAILS_DB=rails-db-name \
-e RAILS_MASTER_KEY=191e2cae935a1bb0e4f518c6fc0c7f0a \
-e SECRET_KEY_BASE=secret_key_base \
-p 3000:3000 rails_rsyslog
After app starting you can connect to it by typing the server.address:3000
in the browser.