#Canvas to E1.31
This module lets you control lights by drawing on a canvas. It was designed primarily for a grid of led strips. You can create animations by painting to the canvas in a loop and sending the output with this module. While node-canvas is not a dependency of the module, you will need to pass an instance of node-canvas to this module.
- Use your favourite graphics library to draw to the canvas and then output to sAcn (E1.31)
- Choose different sections of the canvas to output to different lighting fixtures
- Supports common snaked cabling by default - supply a function to map in whatever way you like
- Includes a comprehencive test suite
##Usage A number of examples are included in the examples directory including a simple animation. A very basic example follows:
// sendSimple.js
var Canvas = require("canvas");
var CanvastoE131 = require("canvastoe131");
var canvas = new Canvas(10,10);
//create a simple canvas with an image on it
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// connect the canvas to the sender with mapping
var output = new CanvastoE131(canvas, {host: ""});
process.on ("SIGINT", function(){