Integrate your dashboards with 3rd party APIs and external OAuth providers.
Do you want to build a Plotly Dash app which pulls user data from external APIs such as Google, Spotify, Slack etc?
Dash-auth-external provides a simple interface to authenticate users through OAuth2 code flow. Allowing developers to serve user tailored content.
Dash-auth-external is distributed via PyPi
pip install dash-auth-external
#using spotify as an example
# creating the instance of our auth class
auth = DashAuthExternal(AUTH_URL, TOKEN_URL, CLIENT_ID)
We then pass the flask server from this object to dash on init.
app = Dash(__name__, server= auth.server)
That's it! You can now define your layout and callbacks as usual.
To obtain your access token, call the get_token method of your Auth object. NOTE This can ONLY be done in the context of a dash callback.
app.layout = html.Div(
Output("example-output", "children"),
Input("example-input", "value")
def example_callback(value):
token = auth.get_token()
##The token can only be retrieved in the context of a dash callback
return token
If your OAuth provider supports refresh tokens, these are automatically checked and handled in the get_token method.
Check if your OAuth provider requires any additional scopes to support refresh tokens
If you hit 400 responses (bad request) from either endpoint, there are a number of things that might need configuration.
Make sure you have checked the following
- Register your redirect URI with OAuth provider!
The library uses a default redirect URI of
Contributions, issues, and ideas are all more than welcome.