Tony Pujals @subfuzion
MIT License
Simple node http server
Simple node http server that reads index.html from file system
Building a full-fledged web framework is a lot of work:
- should support multiple formats and mime types (example only returns text/html)
- need to be more flexible about loading resources (example is hard-coded for index.html)
- should stream the response data (servers shouldn't buffer files into memory)
- doesn't parse url for query parameters
- doesn't do any caching, and doesn't set any client cache headers
Simple Express "Hello World" example using middleware
Simple Express example with multiple middlewares
Simple Express example demonstrating express static middleware
Simple Express "Hello World" example
Simple Express "Hello World" example using listen callback
Simple Express "Hello World" example using listen callback and demonstrating listen return object
Simple Express routing example
Simple Express routing example that returns different content type responses.
Simple Express example for serving an API.
Simple Express example using Mongo
- handles urlencoded and json bodies
- for multipart bodies / file uploads try connect-busboy
- now use serve-favicon