This bundle provides some basic features to reduce spam in Symfony. It is the successor of core23/antispam-bundle
, but not related to isometriks/spam-bundle
Honeypot protection for forms: An additional "hidden" (i.e. made invisible with CSS) field will be added to your form. Whoever fills out this field, is considered to be a spam bot.
Time protection for forms: The time between displaying the form and submitting the form is measured. Anybody who submits the form quicker than a certain number of seconds, is considered to be a spam bot. The timestamp is stored in the session.
Email address obfuscation filter for Twig: To prevent spam harvest bots from detecting your email address, they are obfuscated by e.g. replacing
. The filter will find email addresses automatically, so you can apply it to your entire text.
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:
composer require nucleos/antispam-bundle
Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in config/bundles.php
file of your project:
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
Nucleos\AntiSpamBundle\NucleosAntiSpamBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Create a form on the fly:
$this->createForm(CustomFormType:class, null, array(
// Time protection
'antispam_time' => true,
'antispam_time_min' => 10,
'antispam_time_max' => 60,
// Honeypot protection
'antispam_honeypot' => true,
'antispam_honeypot_class' => 'hide-me',
'antispam_honeypot_field' => 'email-repeat',
The Twig filter antispam
replaces @
by e.g. [AT]
{# Replace plain text #}
{{ text|antispam }}
{# Replace rich text mails #}
{{ htmlText|antispam(true) }}
If you want a JavaScript decoding for the encoded email addresses, you should use the AntiSpam.js
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
new AntiSpam('.custom_class');
It is recommended to use webpack / webpack-encore
to include the JavaScript library in your page. This file is located in the assets
Add protection to all forms using the configuration:
# config/packages/nucleos_antispam.yaml
# Time protection
global: true
# Honeypot protection
global: true
Create a configuration file called nucleos_antispam.yaml
# config/packages/nucleos_antispam.yaml
# Twig mail filter
css_class: 'custom_class'
at_text: [ '[AT]', '(AT)', '[ÄT]' ]
dot_text: [ '[DOT]', '(DOT)', '[.]' ]
# Time protection
min: 5
max: 3600
global: false
# Honeypot protection
field: 'email_address'
class: 'hidden'
global: false
provider: 'nucleos_antispam.provider.session'
This bundle is under the MIT license.