NextCaligo is a VPS infrastructure management system that allows you to deploy and manage Linux containers from a web interface. Create your own VPS in less than a minute & monitor your VPS or access it live SSH console! VPS management made easy!
NextCaligo is an open source, free VPS management platform. The aim of the project is to offer a modern, free alternative to the currently used VPS hosting softwares. Most web hosting companies use the same expensive, cumbersome VPS control panel softwares. Imagine a fast interface where you can create VPSs, application containers & high availability (HA) VMs in less than 1 minute with just one click. This is the future and will be the main direction of the project.
...and this is just the beginning. Different versions will have different functions.
VPS deployment | Manage server | Track statistics |
Create your VPS easily with the VPS wizard. You select the operating system, set the IPv4 address, use a slider to select the necessary resources and your VPS is up to date. | Start, stop, restart, change the root password, or even connect to the SSH client automatically from the web interface. | You can monitor the use of the VPS resource in real-time from the interface: CPU, RAM, Disk Read/Write & Bandwidth usage. |
- Virtualization: OpenVZ 7/8
- Frontend: ReactJS, Material UI + Material Icons, Bootstrap Grid, ApexCharts, Font-Logos, Roboto
- Backend: PHP, Laravel 10 (with Breeze), NodeJS (, Express)
- Database engine: MySQL
- Webserver: Apache2 (with HTACCESS)
The software only runs on CentOS-based systems, since the latest OpenVZ can be operated on them. The most viable way is to install the OpenVZ Linux distribution, then install epel-release and then the technologies mentioned above.
Install Apache2
yum -y install httpd nano && systemctl enable httpd.service
Edit httpd.conf:
sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
The DocumentRoot should be set to the /var/nextcaligo directory and the AllowOverride None value should be overwritten with AllowOverride All. Also, wherever there is /var/www/html, change it to /var/nextcaligo.
Install PHP 8.2
sudo yum -y install sudo yum -y install sudo yum-config-manager --enable remi-php82 sudo yum install php8.2-{bz2,cli,common,curl,intl,mbstring,mysql,zip} sudo usermod -aG wheel apache service httpd restart
Node, NPM, Composer
sudo yum install nodejs -y sudo yum install php-cli php-zip wget unzip -y php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');" php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
Install MySQL
sudo yum install sudo yum install mysql-community-server sudo systemctl start mysqld sudo systemctl enable mysqld sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log sudo mysql_secure_installation mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE nextcaligo; exit;
Download NextCaligo & Install
yum -y install wget unzip cd /var && wget unzip -d /var/nextcaligo
Virtualization environment
wget chmod 755 vzdeploy8 ./vzdeploy8
More information:
Enable NextCaligo
cd /var/nextcaligo npm install npm run build npm run dev # Then Ctrl + V composer install cd nodejs && npm install && npm run build && node server.js && cd ..
Rename env.example to .env, and fill with MySQL login details (MySQL username, password, and for DATABASE_NAME write nextcaligo)!
php artisan migrate
Done, ready to use! Go to http://localhost or http://Your-IP in your browser.
Default login details:
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: admin (Change after first login)
In the future, you will get a permission system, a teamwork option, and an end-user API. In addition to the container-based OpenVZ VPS, 1-Click app containers and XEN virtualization high-availability VMs will come. This version will be available on the project's official website.
I used the following libraries, frameworks and technologies for my work: PHP, Laravel, Laravel Breeze, Node, Express,, SSH2, MySQL, ReactJS, Material UI 5.13, Material Icons, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, Roboto fonts, ApexChart, NPM, Composer, OpenVZ, Axios, Linux - these technologies are not my intellectual products, I just use them for writing code.
All of them are open source - at least that's the version I use - and the comments on internet forums helped a lot in the coding.
I ❤️ Open Source.
Feel free to use my software, but don't forget to mention the author. In fact, I will be proud if you link to my Github.