This Dcokerfile will get the source code of CCFinderX, install packages to build it, and build it.
- ubuntu:16.04
- build-essential
- libboost-dev
- libboost-system-dev
- lib-boost-thread-dev
- libicu-dev
- openjdk-9-jdk
- python-dev
- Executable binary of CCFinderX is deployed at /usr/src/ccfx/ccfx-master/ubuntu32/ccfx .
- For detecting code clone, you should mount host volumes into the docker container.
- CCFinderX is a code-clone detector which was originally developed by Toshihiro Kamiya.
- The source code of CCFinderX is ported from the archive of CCFinder Official Site, and is modified to build on Ubuntu 16.04 according the installation instructions by Nicolas Bettenburg. For more information, please see kyoheif/ccfx.