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Control Spotify from Neovim.

1 2

Showing status using snacks.nvim's notifier


  • Linux operating system (this plugin doesn't work on Windows, and I not sure about Mac).
  • pydbus (see requirements).
    • If you are using pyenv to manage your Python provider, make sure you use: pyenv virtualenv --system-site-packages system neovim to create it.
    • If you are using uv, use: uv venv --python-preference system --system-site-packages.
  • wmctrl (optional, required only for the show command)
    • sudo apt-get install wmctrl
    • sudo dnf install wmctrl
  • nvim-notify or snacks.nvim's notifier for fancy asynchronous notifications.


Install using lazy.nvim:

  build = ":UpdateRemotePlugins",
  config = function()
  init = function()
    -- Optional mappings.
    vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ss", ":Spotify play/pause<CR>", { silent = true })
    vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>sj", ":Spotify next<CR>", { silent = true })
    vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>sk", ":Spotify prev<CR>", { silent = true })
    vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>so", ":Spotify show<CR>", { silent = true })
    vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>sc", ":Spotify status<CR>", { silent = true })


  • Start Spotify.
  • Call :Spotify {option}. Where option can be:
    • play/pause
    • next
    • prev
    • play
    • pause
    • stop
    • show: Focus Spotify window
    • status: Show current song and player status
    • volume [value]: Set the volume to value. The value is a number from 0 to 100, you can prefix the value with + or - to change the volume relatively to the current value. You can repeat -/+ to change the volume by increments of 5.
    • time [value]: Set the time of the current song to value. The value is given in seconds, you can prefix the value with + or - to change the time relatively to the current value. You can repeat -/+ to change the time by increments of 5.
    • shuffle [value]: De/activate shuffle. The value can be: on, off, toggle. If no value is given, it will default to toggle.


  -- Whether to show status after an action is executed using the :Spotify command.
  notify_after_action = true,
  defaults = {
    -- The numeric value that represents each -/+ volume increment.
    volume_increment = 5,
    -- The numeric value that represents each -/+ time increment.
    time_increment = 5,
    -- The default action to take when :Spotify shuffle is called.
    shuffle = "toggle",
  notification = {
    -- The notification backend to use. Can be "builtin", "notify", "snacks", or "auto".
    backend = "auto",
    -- Extra options to pass to the vim.notify function.
    extra_opts = {},
    -- The inverval that the notification will be updated (in milliseconds).
    refresh_interval = 100,
    -- How many refresh intervals to cycle through the text that doesn't fit in the notification.
    cycle_speed = 2,
    -- How many refresh intervals to wait before cycling through the text that doesn't fit in the notification.
    initial_cycle_pause = 5,
    -- The timeout for the notification (in milliseconds).
    timeout = 4000,
    -- The width of text in the notification.
    width = 44,
    -- A template to format the notification text.
    -- The template is a list of lists of tables, where each table represents a line of text,
    -- and each line is a list of tables, where each table represents a block of text.
    -- Each block of text can have the following keys:
    --  - content: The text to display.
    --  - width: The width of the block of text, if not specified, the width will be calculated based on the width of the whole line.
    --  - shorten: Whether to truncate the text if it doesn't fit in the block, the text will cycle on each refresh interval.
    --  - align: The alignment of the text in the block, can be "left", "center", or "right".
    --  The content can have the following placeholders:
    --  - {title}: The title of the current track.
    --  - {artists}: The artists of the current track separated by commas.
    --  - {}: The name of the album of the current track.
    --  - {album.artists}: The artists of the album of the current track separated by commas.
    --  - {shuffle.symbol}: The symbol for the shuffle state (as given in the symbols.shuffle table).
    --  - {shuffle.state}: The state of the shuffle (as given in the states.shuffle table).
    --  - {playback.symbol}: The symbol for the playback state (as given in the symbols.playback table).
    --  - {playback.state}: The state of the playback (as given in the states.playback table).
    --  - {volume.symbol}: The symbol for the volume state (as given in the symbols.volume table).
    --  - {volume.state}: The state of the volume (as given in the states.volume table).
    --  - {volume.value}: The value of the volume (from 0 to 100).
    --  - {time.current}: The current time of the track in the format "mm:ss".
    --  - {time.duration}: The duration of the track in the format "mm:ss".
    --  - {progressbar}: A progress bar that represents the current time of the track (as given in the progressbar table).
    template = {
          content = "๐ŸŽถ",
          width = 2,
          content = "{title}",
          shorten = true,
          content = "๐Ÿ‘ฅ",
          width = 2,
          content = "{artists}",
          shorten = true,
          content = "๐Ÿ’ฟ",
          width = 2,
          content = "{}",
          shorten = true,
          content = "",
          width = 5,
          content = "{shuffle.symbol} {shuffle.state}",
          align = "left",
          content = "{playback.symbol}",
          align = "center",
          content = "{volume.symbol} {volume.value}%",
          align = "right",
          content = "",
          width = 5,
          content = "{time.current} / {time.duration}",
          align = "center",
          content = "{progressbar}",
          align = "center",
    symbols = {
      playback = {
        playing = "โ–ถ",
        paused = "โธ",
        stopped = "โ– ",
      shuffle = {
        enabled = "๐Ÿ”€",
        disabled = "โคญ",
      volume = {
        muted = "๐Ÿ”‡",
        low = "๐Ÿ”ˆ",
        medium = "๐Ÿ”‰",
        high = "๐Ÿ”Š",
    states = {
      playback = {
        playing = "playing",
        paused = "paused",
        stopped = "stopped",
      shuffle = {
        enabled = "on",
        disabled = "off",
      volume = {
        muted = "muted",
        low = "low",
        medium = "medium",
        high = "high",
    progressbar = {
      marker = "โ—",
      filled = "โ”€",
      remaining = "โ”ˆ",
      width = 40,

Configuration examples

Put the Spotify logo in the notification

This requires a nerd font to be installed.

  notification = {
    extra_opts = {
      icon = "๏†ผ",

Make the notification less wider

  notification = {
    width = 34,
    progressbar = {
      width = 30,

Inspiration for symbols

  • playing: โ–ถ โ–ถ๏ธ
  • paused: โธ โธ๏ธ
  • stopped: โ–  โน๏ธ
  • album: ๐Ÿ’ฟ๏ธŽ๐Ÿ’ฟ
  • artist: ยฉ ๐ŸŽจ ๐Ÿ‘ฅ
  • music: โ™ซโ™ช ๐ŸŽถ
  • volume: โˆ… ๐Ÿ•จ ๐Ÿ•ฉ ๐Ÿ•ช ๐Ÿ”‡ ๐Ÿ”ˆ ๐Ÿ”‰ ๐Ÿ”Š
  • shuffle: โคฎ ๐Ÿ”€
