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Entropy and Chi Squared

Karsten Hahn edited this page Feb 11, 2023 · 3 revisions


PortEx has a module that calculates Shannon's Entropy of bytes, files or sections. The entropy is byte-based and in the interval [0,1]. If you want the entropy to be between [0,8], just multiply the result by 8.

The following example code calculates and prints the entropies of every section for a sample file:

PEData data = PELoader.loadPE(new File("myfile.exe"));
int nrOfSections = data.getCOFFFileHeader().getNumberOfSections();
ShannonEntropy entropy = new ShannonEntropy(data);
for(int i = 1; i < nrOfSections; i++) {
    double sectionEntropy = entropy.forSection(i);
    System.out.println("Entropy for Section " + i + ": " + sectionEntropy);

The entropy of the whole file can be calculated and printed as follows:

ShannonEntropy entropy = ShannonEntropy.newInstance(new File("myfile.exe"));

Chi Squared

Chi Squared works similarly

PEData data = PELoader.loadPE(new File("myfile.exe"));
ChiSquared chi2 = new ChiSquared(data);
double fileChi = chi2.forFile();
System.out.println("Chi2 for file " + fileChi);

int nrOfSections = data.getCOFFFileHeader().getNumberOfSections();
for(int i = 1; i < nrOfSections; i++) {
    double sectionChi2 = chi2.forSection(i);
    System.out.println("Section " + i + " has chi2: " + sectionChi2);
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