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Randall Hauch edited this page Aug 20, 2015 · 2 revisions

What does Strongback do?

Strongback is a library that makes it easier for you to write and test code for your FRC robot. First, Strongback defines abstract interfaces for all of the actuators, sensors, motor controllers, and other hardware components commonly used on FRC robots. Your subsystems and commands can uses these interfaces, and your robot can use Strongback's simple API to obtain the corresponding hardware implementations. But when you limit your subsystems and commands to using only these new interfaces, it becomes very simple to unit test for your subsystems to run without the robot code. Strongback has a data recorder that can optionally record the RoboRIO's input and output time series so that you can process them in near-realtime off robot or post-process the data after you've tested the robot. Strongback also offers a new command framework that is easy to use and test, runs more consistently, and it automatically works with the data recorder to capture the changes in state as commands are submitted and run.

Does Strongback replace the WPILib for Java or C++?

No, Strongback does not replace WPILib -- in fact, Strongback uses WPILib under the covers. But Strongback makes it easier for you to use the WPILib, offers some new or improved features, and makes it much easier to test your code without having the robot hardware.

Our team uses LabVIEW to program our FRC robot. Can we still use Strongback?

No, the Strongback libraries are only for teams that use Java or C++ to program their robot. LabVIEW is a graphical programming environment created by National Instruments, and many teams do use it.

Can I use Strongback on my FRC robot?

Yes, that's the whole point! We'd love for you to use it on your robot code. Strongback is open source and licensed under the MIT license, a permissive free software license perfect for FRC teams (and even within proprietary software) provided all copies of the licensed software include a copy of the MIT License terms and the copyright notice.

Where do I report problems or bugs?

If you have any questions about Strongback, ask the community on our mailing list. If we think you've found a bug, we'll ask you to log an issue so that we can work on a fix.

Can I help improve Strongback?

Yes, we welcome anyone that wants to help out. You can contribute by using Strongback, asking or answering questions, reporting problems, writing documentation, fixing bugs, discussing plans, and developing new features.

Who's behind the project?

The Strongback open source software project is a collaboration of several FIRST robotics teams. The original concept and codebase were donated by Edwardsville Technologies (Team 4931), but we're hoping other teams quickly help to improve the design, test the code, and finish the website and documentation. Any FRC team can join us.

What's with the name "Strongback"?

A strongback is a beam or girder used as a secondary support structure. In shipbuilding, it's a structure upon which the inverted hulls of a ship are mounted during initial fabrication. In aerospace, it's the ground structure that supports a rocket and helps to raise it into a vertical launch position. Coming back to FIRST Robotics Competition, we're hoping that Strongback provides a strong foundation upon which many teams can developer their robot codebase.

Why the logo?

We thought "Strongback" and "silverback" were somewhat similar, so we just went with it.

What is FIRST?

FIRST, or For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, was founded in 1989 by inventor Dean Kaman to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders. FIRST programs engage students in exciting mentor-based programs that inspire students and help them learn science, engineering, and technology skills, to be innovative, and to foster self-confidence, communication, and leadership skills the students will use throughout their careers. FIRST has four robotic competition programs: Junior FIRST Lego League for ages 6-9, FIRST Lego League for ages 9-14, FIRST Tech Challenge for ages 12-18, and FIRST Robotics Competition for ages 14-18.

What is FIRST Robotics Competition, otherwise known as FRC?

FRC is one of four robotic competition programs organized by FIRST. FRC is an annual international high school robotics competition that teams high school students with professionals to solve engineering design problems in an intense and competitive way. Each year, FIRST announces the fast-paced and rigorous game in early January and simultaneously releases the extensive rules, programming kits, and other resources. Teams then have 6 weeks to design, build, program, and test an autonomous and tele-operated robot. Each team starts with the same “kit of parts,” but are encouraged to buy or make specialized parts. Fundraising, brand development, social media, training, prototyping, research, and community outreach are essential parts of FIRST robotics teams.