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Link v3: Connect passthrough mode (#4219)
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## Summary
If passthrough mode is enabled, call the `/share` endpoint to get the
passthrough PM, then confirm using that PM.

## Motivation
Enable passthrough mode in native Link.

## Testing
In PaymentSheet Example.

## Changelog
  • Loading branch information
davidme-stripe authored Nov 20, 2024
1 parent a01e1d4 commit cfb859a
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Showing 4 changed files with 314 additions and 2 deletions.
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2E4C37C73AD202C8A3DD2E4E /* LoadingViewController.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 51FF291A25EA43D4D100983B /* LoadingViewController.swift */; };
2EC9C94DD8D62E4F4EFC8AB8 /* IntentStatusPollerTest.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 990304EF35A0EE37DCE20D5B /* IntentStatusPollerTest.swift */; };
311AC53D6C76953E9B70148A /* ConsumerSession+PublishableKey.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E2D61B52BFA201D25E8F6428 /* ConsumerSession+PublishableKey.swift */; };
31316BD72CEC00FC0000016F /* PaymentSheet+APIMockTest.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 31316BD62CEC00EF0000016F /* PaymentSheet+APIMockTest.swift */; };
313D00C82CD9972F00A8E6B0 /* PayWithNativeLinkController.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 313D00C72CD9972F00A8E6B0 /* PayWithNativeLinkController.swift */; };
313F5F832B0BE5FD00BD98A9 /* Docs.docc in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 313F5F822B0BE5FD00BD98A9 /* Docs.docc */; };
3147CEBB2CC07E960067B5E4 /* LinkUtils.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3147CEBA2CC07E960067B5E4 /* LinkUtils.swift */; };
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31316BD62CEC00EF0000016F /* PaymentSheet+APIMockTest.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "PaymentSheet+APIMockTest.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
313D00C72CD9972F00A8E6B0 /* PayWithNativeLinkController.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = PayWithNativeLinkController.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
313F5F822B0BE5FD00BD98A9 /* Docs.docc */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder.documentationcatalog; path = Docs.docc; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3147CEBA2CC07E960067B5E4 /* LinkUtils.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = LinkUtils.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
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5BA7BFC43DB3EFD38A460EB9 /* PaymentMethodMessagingViewSnapshotTests.swift */,
619AF0842BF56C5E00D1C981 /* PaymentMethodRowButtonSnapshotTests.swift */,
8A0B7F6E25D93C0C0ACE3B3D /* PaymentSheet+APITest.swift */,
31316BD62CEC00EF0000016F /* PaymentSheet+APIMockTest.swift */,
82C21D5722BDEB8BAA71F69F /* PaymentSheet+DashboardConfirmParamsTest.swift */,
AA8F7F2824DFC78268ED6459 /* PaymentSheet+DeferredAPITest.swift */,
135B7354260E0E7CADCF3426 /* PaymentSheetAddressTests.swift */,
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B65FE7092BED33EA009A73FC /* VerticalPaymentMethodListViewControllerSnapshotTest.swift in Sources */,
37F750E1C99D6257E845A66E /* BacsDDMandateViewSnapshotTests.swift in Sources */,
694A3B36AC19FC1F87EF0CB1 /* CustomerSheetPaymentMethodAvailabilityTests.swift in Sources */,
31316BD72CEC00FC0000016F /* PaymentSheet+APIMockTest.swift in Sources */,
9F750611C4E8EAABE9F0B460 /* CustomerSheetTests.swift in Sources */,
4FF15C6F7AF22F55B2F2BEA8 /* CustomerSheetSnapshotTests.swift in Sources */,
31699A832BE183D40048677F /* DownloadManagerTest.swift in Sources */,
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Expand Up @@ -489,8 +489,21 @@ extension PaymentSheet {
case .withPaymentMethod(let paymentMethod):
confirmWithPaymentMethod(paymentMethod, nil, false)
case .withPaymentDetails(let linkAccount, let paymentDetails):
// shouldSave is false, as we don't show a save checkbox in the Link VC
confirmWithPaymentDetails(linkAccount, paymentDetails, paymentDetails.cvc, false)
let shouldSave = false // always false, as we don't show a save-to-merchant checkbox in Link VC

if elementsSession.linkPassthroughModeEnabled {
linkAccount.sharePaymentDetails(id: paymentDetails.stripeID, cvc: paymentDetails.cvc) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let paymentDetailsShareResponse):
confirmWithPaymentMethod(paymentDetailsShareResponse.paymentMethod, linkAccount, shouldSave)
case .failure(let error):
STPAnalyticsClient.sharedClient.logLinkSharePaymentDetailsFailure(error: error)
paymentHandlerCompletion(.failed, error as NSError)
} else {
confirmWithPaymentDetails(linkAccount, paymentDetails, paymentDetails.cvc, shouldSave)
case .withPaymentMethodParams(let linkAccount, let paymentMethodParams):
// shouldSave is false, as we don't show a save checkbox in the Link VC
createPaymentDetailsAndConfirm(linkAccount, paymentMethodParams, false)
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Expand Up @@ -133,6 +133,17 @@ extension STPElementsSession {
return STPElementsSession.decodedObject(fromAPIResponse: apiResponse)!

static var linkPassthroughElementsSession: STPElementsSession {
let apiResponse: [String: Any] = ["payment_method_preference": ["ordered_payment_method_types": ["123"],
"country_code": "US", ] as [String: Any],
"session_id": "123",
"apple_pay_preference": "enabled",
"link_settings": ["link_funding_sources": ["card"],
"link_passthrough_mode_enabled": true]
return STPElementsSession.decodedObject(fromAPIResponse: apiResponse)!

// Just for the purposes of this test. No need to add the (tiny) overhead of Equatable to the published binary
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// PaymentSheet+APIMockTest.swift
// StripePaymentSheet

import StripeCoreTestUtils
import XCTest

@testable@_spi(STP) import StripeCore
@testable@_spi(STP) import StripePayments
@testable@_spi(STP) import StripePaymentSheet
@testable@_spi(STP) import StripePaymentsTestUtils
@testable@_spi(STP) import StripeUICore

import OHHTTPStubs
import OHHTTPStubsSwift

final class PaymentSheetAPIMockTest: APIStubbedTestCase {
enum MockJson {
static let cardPaymentMethod = STPTestUtils.jsonNamed("CardPaymentMethod")!
static let paymentIntent = STPTestUtils.jsonNamed("PaymentIntent")!
static let setupIntent = STPTestUtils.jsonNamed("SetupIntent")!

enum MockParams {
static let paymentIntentClientSecret = "pi_xxx_secret_xxx"
static let setupIntentClientSecret = "seti_xxx_secret_xxx"
static let publicKey = "pk_xxx"

static func configuration(pk: String) -> PaymentSheet.Configuration {
var config = PaymentSheet.Configuration()
config.apiClient = STPAPIClient(publishableKey: pk)
config.allowsDelayedPaymentMethods = true
config.shippingDetails = {
return .init(
address: .init(
country: "US",
line1: "Line 1"
name: "Jane Doe",
phone: "5551234567"
config.savePaymentMethodOptInBehavior = .requiresOptOut
return config

static func configurationWithCustomer(pk: String) -> PaymentSheet.Configuration {
var configuration = self.configuration(pk: pk)
configuration.customer = .init(id: "id", ephemeralKeySecret: "ek")
return configuration

static let paymentMethodCardParams: STPPaymentMethodCardParams = {
let cardParams = STPPaymentMethodCardParams()
cardParams.number = "4242424242424242"
cardParams.cvc = "123"
cardParams.expYear = 32
cardParams.expMonth = 12
return cardParams

static var intentConfirmParams: IntentConfirmParams {
params: .init(
card: paymentMethodCardParams,
billingDetails: .init(),
metadata: nil
type: .stripe(.card)

static var linkPaymentOption: PaymentSheet.PaymentOption {
let exampleBillingEmail = "[email protected]"
return .link(option: .withPaymentDetails(
account: .init(
email: exampleBillingEmail,
session: .init(
clientSecret: "cs_xxx",
emailAddress: exampleBillingEmail,
redactedPhoneNumber: "+1-555-xxx-xxxx",
verificationSessions: [.init(type: .sms, state: .verified)],
supportedPaymentDetailsTypes: [.card]
publishableKey: "pk_xxx_for_link_account_xxx"
paymentDetails: .init(
stripeID: "pd1",
details: .card(card:
.init(expiryYear: 2055,
expiryMonth: 12,
brand: "visa",
last4: "1234",
checks: nil)
billingAddress: nil,
billingEmailAddress: exampleBillingEmail,
isDefault: true)

static let cardPaymentMethod = STPPaymentMethod.decodedObject(fromAPIResponse: MockJson.cardPaymentMethod)!

static let paymentIntent = STPPaymentIntent.decodedObject(fromAPIResponse: MockJson.paymentIntent)!

static let setupIntent = STPSetupIntent.decodedObject(fromAPIResponse: MockJson.setupIntent)!

static func deferredPaymentIntentConfiguration(clientSecret: String) -> PaymentSheet.IntentConfiguration {
.init(mode: .payment(amount: 123, currency: "USD"), paymentMethodTypes: ["card"]) { _, _, c in c(.success(clientSecret)) }

static func deferredSetupIntentConfiguration(clientSecret: String) -> PaymentSheet.IntentConfiguration {
.init(mode: .setup(currency: "USD", setupFutureUsage: .offSession), confirmHandler: { _, _, c in c(.success(clientSecret)) })

override func setUp() {

stub { urlRequest in
urlRequest.url?.absoluteString.contains("payment_methods") ?? false
} response: { _ in
return HTTPStubsResponse(jsonObject: MockJson.cardPaymentMethod, statusCode: 200, headers: nil)

stub { urlRequest in
guard let pathComponents = urlRequest.url?.pathComponents else { return false }
return pathComponents[2] == "payment_intents" && pathComponents.last != "confirm"
} response: { request in
var json = MockJson.paymentIntent

// Mock that the PI requires confirmation if it's being fetched for a deferred PI
if request.httpMethod == "GET" {
json["status"] = "requires_confirmation"
json["capture_method"] = "automatic"

return HTTPStubsResponse(jsonObject: json, statusCode: 200, headers: nil)

stub { urlRequest in
guard let pathComponents = urlRequest.url?.pathComponents else { return false }
return pathComponents[2] == "setup_intents" && pathComponents.last != "confirm"
} response: { request in
var json = MockJson.setupIntent
// Mock that the PI requires confirmation if it's being fetched for a deferred PI
if request.httpMethod == "GET" {
json["status"] = "requires_confirmation"

return HTTPStubsResponse(jsonObject: json, statusCode: 200, headers: nil)

func testPassthroughModeCallsSharePaymentDetails() {
stubConfirmPaymentExpecting(isPaymentIntent: true, paymentMethodId: MockParams.cardPaymentMethod.stripeId)
stubLinkShareExpecting(consumerSessionClientSecret: "cs_xxx", paymentMethodID: "pd1")
stubLinkLogout(consumerSessionClientSecret: "cs_xxx")

let configuration = MockParams.configurationWithCustomer(pk: MockParams.publicKey)
let exp = expectation(description: "confirm completed")
let paymentHandler = STPPaymentHandler(apiClient: configuration.apiClient)
let elementsSession = STPElementsSession.linkPassthroughElementsSession
configuration: configuration,
authenticationContext: self,
intent: .deferredIntent(intentConfig: MockParams.deferredPaymentIntentConfiguration(clientSecret: MockParams.paymentIntentClientSecret)),
elementsSession: elementsSession,
paymentOption: .link(option: .withPaymentDetails(account: .init(email: "[email protected]", session: .init(clientSecret: "cs_xxx", emailAddress: "[email protected]", redactedPhoneNumber: "+1-555-xxx-xxxx", verificationSessions: [.init(type: .sms, state: .verified)], supportedPaymentDetailsTypes: [.card]), publishableKey: MockParams.publicKey), paymentDetails: .init(stripeID: "pd1", details: .card(card: .init(expiryYear: 2055, expiryMonth: 12, brand: "visa", last4: "1234", checks: nil)), billingAddress: nil, billingEmailAddress: nil, isDefault: true))),
paymentHandler: paymentHandler,
analyticsHelper: ._testValue(),
completion: { _, _ in

waitForExpectations(timeout: 10)

extension PaymentSheetAPIMockTest: STPAuthenticationContext {
func authenticationPresentingViewController() -> UIViewController {
return UIViewController()

// MARK: - Helpers

private extension PaymentSheetAPIMockTest {
func stubConfirmPaymentExpecting(
isPaymentIntent: Bool,
paymentMethodId: String,
setupFutureUsage: String? = nil,
line: UInt = #line
) {
let exp = expectation(description: "confirm payment requested")

stub { urlRequest in
guard let pathComponents = urlRequest.url?.pathComponents else { return false }
return pathComponents.last == "confirm"
} response: { [self] request in
let params = bodyParams(from: request, line: line)

assertParam(params, named: "payment_method_data[type]", is: nil, line: line)
assertParam(params, named: "payment_method_data[card][number]", is: nil, line: line)
assertParam(params, named: "payment_method", is: paymentMethodId, line: line)

// Payment Method Options
assertParam(params, named: "payment_method_options[card][setup_future_usage]", is: setupFutureUsage, line: line)

defer { exp.fulfill() }
var json = isPaymentIntent ? MockJson.paymentIntent : MockJson.setupIntent
json["status"] = "succeeded"

return HTTPStubsResponse(jsonObject: json, statusCode: 200, headers: nil)

func stubLinkShareExpecting(
consumerSessionClientSecret: String,
paymentMethodID: String,
line: UInt = #line
) {
let exp = expectation(description: "share payment method requested")

stub { urlRequest in
guard let pathComponents = urlRequest.url?.pathComponents else { return false }
return pathComponents.last == "share"
} response: { [self] request in
let params = bodyParams(from: request, line: line)

assertParam(params, named: "credentials[consumer_session_client_secret]", is: consumerSessionClientSecret, line: line)
assertParam(params, named: "request_surface", is: "ios_payment_element", line: line)
assertParam(params, named: "expand[0]", is: "payment_method", line: line)
assertParam(params, named: "id", is: paymentMethodID, line: line)

defer { exp.fulfill() }
let json = ["payment_method": MockJson.cardPaymentMethod]

return HTTPStubsResponse(jsonObject: json, statusCode: 200, headers: nil)

func stubLinkLogout(
consumerSessionClientSecret: String,
line: UInt = #line
) {
let exp = expectation(description: "Link logout")

stub { urlRequest in
guard let pathComponents = urlRequest.url?.pathComponents else { return false }
return pathComponents.last == "log_out"
} response: { [self] request in
let params = bodyParams(from: request, line: line)

assertParam(params, named: "credentials[consumer_session_client_secret]", is: consumerSessionClientSecret, line: line)
assertParam(params, named: "request_surface", is: "ios_payment_element", line: line)

defer { exp.fulfill() }

return HTTPStubsResponse(jsonObject: [], statusCode: 200, headers: nil)

func assertParam(_ params: [String: String], named name: String, is value: String?, line: UInt) {
XCTAssertEqual(params[name], value, name, line: line)

func bodyParams(from request: URLRequest, line: UInt) -> [String: String] {
guard let httpBody = request.httpBodyOrBodyStream,
let query = String(decoding: httpBody, as: UTF8.self).addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlPathAllowed),
let components = URLComponents(string: "\(query)") else {
XCTFail("Request body empty", line: line)
return [:]

return components.queryItems?.reduce(into: [:], { partialResult, item in
guard item.value != "" else { return }
partialResult[] = item.value?.removingPercentEncoding
}) ?? [:]

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