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Simple app built together at CharlotteJS meetup on June 20, 2013

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Backbone Library App

This is a simple app that we'll build together at CharlotteJS meetup on June 20, 2013. The library app uses localStorage for our store. URL to this repo:

Walkthrough Steps

If you want to work off of the build-out branch to try and build the app yourself, here are steps you'll need to follow for each piece. Consult the Backbone Docs if you need refreshers on some of the methods.

Model (js/models/book.js)

  1. Make sure new model instances of default values:
    • title String
    • author String
    • img String Can use placeholder.gif
    • completed Boolean
  2. Create a toggleStatus method
    • This method should toggle the value of the completed property and use save to save your method.
    • Your save call should also include a success callback handler that triggers the visible event on the model.

Collection (js/collections/books.js)

  1. Create your collection class using Book for your model
    • Book is the variable passed in to our module definition using RequireJS. This is a reference to the new model class we created in the first step.
  2. Set up a new store, since this is just specific to our storage here is the code you will need to use:
    • localStorage: new Store( "anidentifier" )
    • This just sets up our collection to use Backbone.localStorage
  3. Set up your comparator property to sort the collection by completed.

Book Model View (js/views/book.js)

  1. Use an li as the view element and make sure its class attribute contains book span4
  2. Create your template property and use Underscore's template method using tpl as the content.
    • tpl is a variable defined in our module definition. This is a reference to our template in /templates/book.html if you want to reference the code.
  3. Set up your events object to manage the view's DOM events. The list below is in an "event selector : callbackName" format.
    • "click .togglestatus" : "toggleStatus"
    • "click .destroy": "removeBook"
  4. Create your initialize method and inside set up listeners for model events. The list below is in "modelevent : methodName" format.
    • change : render
    • destroy : remove
    • visible : toggleVisible
  5. Create your render method. In this method you'll need to use your template method to hand off your model's attributes and append them to the view element.
  6. Create a toggleStatus method ( it should accept one argument for the event object )
    • First off, preventDefault on the event (if there was a fallback URL we want to make sure we prevent it from loading).
    • Now, call our model's toggleStatus method.
  • Create a removeBook method. In this method, we simply need to destroy the model.

Books Collection View (js/views/books.js)

  1. Use the existing .bookshelf element for your view element
  2. Create your initialize method and set up your collection event listeners and fetch the collection ( remember to pass { reset: true } to fetch so that the reset event fires )
    • Set up your collection event listeners (list is in "collectionevent : methodName" format):
      • add : render
      • reset : addBooks
    • Call fetch on your collection
  3. Create your render method (hint: you'll need to pass model in as a parameter)
    • Inside of render create a new BookView instance and render it.
      • BookView is a variable defined in our module definition that references our model view that we created.
    • Append your new view instance element to the collection view element.
  4. Create an addBooks method
    • In this method, you'll need to empty the current view element's HTML
    • You'll also need to utilize one of Underscore's proxied methods to iterate over our collection list. On each model in the collection, call our render method. (hint: if you use forEach don't forget to pass your this context)

Application View (js/views/app.js)

  1. Use the existing .app element for your view element
  2. Set up your events object to manage the view's DOM events. The list below is in an "event selector : callbackName" format.
    • "click a" : "filterBooks"
    • "click li.add a" : "showForm"
    • submit: "createBook"
  3. Create your initialize method and do the following:
    • Go ahead and set up a couple cached jQuery objects that you can use throughout your view:
      • this.$filterBar - Should cache a jQuery collection for .nav-pills.
      • this.$addForm - Should cache a jQuery collection for .addForm.
      • Remember, you can use $el to execute scoped jQuery object methods.
    • Set up a collection event listener that will listen for the filter event and call our filterBooks method.
  4. render is already created and filled out. This will keep track of our filter bar state as we step through the app to ensure that it matches current state.
  5. Create the filterBooks method and do the following:
    • Use one of Underscore's proxied methods to iterate over the collection. On each model, trigger the visible event (hint: don't forget to pass your this context if you use forEach)
    • At the end of your method, call render (to make sure our filter bar is in active state)
  6. Create the createBook method that will be used when the "Add Book" form is submitted. Do the following in your function body:
    • First off prevent the default form submission.
    • Then use create convenience function to create a new model instance. To get the object of attributes to use for your new instance, you can call this.newAttrs() which is set up already for you.
    • On the very last line of your method, call this.$addForm.modal( "hide" ). This is simply to hide our add a book form.
  7. There are a couple more methods that are already in the app view file, here's a brief explanation of both:
    • showForm - This is just going to show our modal to add a new book when the "Add a book" link is clicked.
    • newAttrs - This is a convenience function to get all the form data being submitted in our new book form.

Application Constructor (js/app.js)

Now we want to set up our Application constructor. The constructor function is already defined in the file, we just need to create a few properties that each instance of our application will share.

Below where the steps mention to create a new instance, the variable reference is what we've defined in our RequireJS definition function. These names relate to the collection and views that we've required as a dependency in our app.

  1. Create a this.collections.books property and create a new Books collection instance.
  2. Create a this.views.books property and create a new BooksView view instance (don't forget to pass our new collection above to our new view instance).
  3. Create a property and create a new AppView view instance (don't forget to pass our new collection above to our new view instance).
  4. Create a this.common.bookFilter property and assign it the value of an empty string for now. This is what we'll use to keep track of filter state across our app.
  5. The last step is inside of the piece that is already filled out for you about localStorage. Inside that snippet you'll see "youridentifier". Just replace that string with whatever identifier name you chose when creating your new store on your collection.

Router (js/router.js)

  1. Create your Router class.
  2. Add a routes object that has 3 routes:
    • "" that will be used as our main route that should call main
    • ":type(/)" that will be used for our filter and should call setFilter
    • "*path" to see how we can use a catch all route.
  3. Create our methods that we'll use when the routes above are matched:
    • main
      • Set window.library.common.bookFilter to an empty string.
        • You may be wondering where window.library comes from. We'll define that in our next step, but it simply refers to the new App instance that we create. We'll store it as a global so that we can reference it throughout our application.
      • Trigger filter on the collection (you'll access the collection at window.library.collections.books)
    • setFilter
      • This method should accept a parameter that matches what our route matched.
      • Set window.library.common.bookFilter to equal the argument passed in to the method.
      • Trigger filter on the collection (you'll access the collection at window.library.collections.books)
    • catchAll
      • This method is just to show what the catch-all route path looks like when using a *splat.
        • console.log the path argument that gets passed in to the method

App Kickoff! (js/main.js)

Down to the last step and just a few things to do here. At the top of this file is the RequireJS configuration for our app. You'll want to scroll down to where you see the comment // Kick off our app and that's where you'll do your work. The snippet below shows where your code will go.

	// Kick off our app
	require( [
	function( App, Router ) {

There are 3 final steps that we need to do:

  1. Create a new App instance on window.library
  2. Create a new Router instance on window.library.router
  3. Tell Backbone.History to start watching for changes.

All done!

You should now be able to load your app in a browser and have a fully functional app that can add new books, delete books, and toggle the read status.

That doesn't mean you have to be done though! Extend the app more. Maybe enable the books to be edited? Perhaps drag-and-drop ordering? You're in control now. This could be the greatest library (you know one that catalogs books) that anyone has ever seen.


Simple app built together at CharlotteJS meetup on June 20, 2013






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