Recreate scenarios which can invoke the OOM-killer when running a container.
podman build . -t memory-leak
go run main.go memory --max-memory 1GB --block-size 100MB --pause=1s
Via Podman
$ podman run \
--memory=1024m \
--name=memory-leak \
--rm \
--memory-swap=0 \
localhost/memory-leak \
./leak memory --max-memory 1GB --block-size 100MB --pause=1s
By default Podman will enable swap memory with a size equal to the memory limit specified. This will turn off swap to make sure OOMs can be recreated at the expected memory limit.
TCP Leak
$ podman run \
--memory=128m \
--name=tcp-leak \
--rm \
localhost/memory-leak \
./leak socket --size 16
The above command will allocate sockets, establish connections, and write 16 KiB.