This is a plugin for Homebridge to enable the control of a led strip over BLE.
You will need NodeJS version 8.6 (or superior) and have Noble installed : Check if Noble is working correctly before you start to install this plugin. Noble has a strong system dependencie to bluetooth layer and requires the installation of bluetooth system libraries first.
Install homebridge-led-strip-ble using npm :
npm install homebridge-led-strip-ble
Add the Bluetooth address of each lightbulb required as a separate accessory in the Homebridge config.json file:
"accessories": [
"accessory": "LED_Strip",
"name": "a_name",
"address": "000000000000",
"read_service_uuid": "ffd0",
"write_service_uuid": "ffd5",
"read_char_uuid": "ffd4",
"write_char_uuid": "ffd9"
You can find the address by checking the log output of homebridge:
Homebridge is running on port 51111.
[LED Strip] Starting BLE scan
[LED Strip] Discovered: 5992f6c8406b
[LED Strip] Discovered: c4be84e094d4
[LED Strip] Discovered: 5b2d0489329c
This code is based on homebridge-beewi: See homebridge-beewi
KIKO-5050-65.6FT Amazon