Out of the box it doesn't really do anything, it up to the consumer to use it, or other plugins can also integrate it
lazy = false, -- has to be set
opts = {},
dependencies = { "nvim-neotest/nvim-nio" }, -- this is optional, if the opts.async is set to true then this is required
Default options, can be passed into opts
store_file = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/perstore",
attach_hooks = true, -- will attach hooks to save the store on VimLeave
async = false, -- if parsing and loading the file is taking too long this is an option
Once loaded, make sure you call add_store
only after the plugin has be loaded, for example after you initialize lazy
to load all the plugins
local state = {
format_on_save = true,
current_colorscheme = "obscure",
local perstore = require "perstore"
return perstore.add_store {
name = "state", -- has to be set
data_ref = state, -- has to be set
on_loaded = function(got_state) -- optional
vim.cmd("colorscheme " .. got_state.current_colorscheme)
local format_state = "enabled"
if not got_state.format_on_save then
format_state = "disabled"
vim.notify("Autoformatting " .. format_state)
load_on_close = true, -- optional
save_on_close = true, -- optional
local state = require('state')
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePre", {
pattern = "*",
callback = function(args)
if state().format_on_save then
conform.format { bufnr = args.buf }
local state = require('state')
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorSchemePre", {
callback = function(args)
local s = state()
if s then
s.current_colorscheme = args.match
That's all folks