ledbadge is a script to control a B1248 LED Name Badge (http://www.tbdled.com/en/productshow.asp?ID=P385U64S7U)
The USB driver is just a generic Virtual Serial port driver from Prolific PL2303 (VID:067B, PID:2303)
- pyserial (2.7)
- begins (0.9)
Currently it can only send text and clear the display (by sending an empty string).
$ ledbadge --help
usage: ledbadge [-h] [-v | -q] [--loglvl {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
[--logfile LOGFILE] [--logfmt LOGFMT]
[--serial-port SERIAL_PORT]
{clear,text} ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Increse logging output
-q, --quiet Decrease logging output
--serial-port SERIAL_PORT, -s SERIAL_PORT
(default: /dev/tty.usbserial)
Available subcommands:
clear Clear the LED screen
text Display text on the LED screen
Detailed control of logging output
Set explicit log level
--logfile LOGFILE Ouput log messages to file
--logfmt LOGFMT Log message format
- Multiple lines of text
- Set the speed
- Use icons
- Send images