New Repo(for v2.0): Link
Optimal reflections are possible with a well-configured reflection probe.
Currently I do not accept pull request.
- You can only get reflections with a reflection probe.
- The reflection probe can produce artifacts if the intensity of the sun is very high.
- The sky model and clouds does not have support for altitude variation.
- Currently it is experimental, for godot 4 I will improve the design and the plugin in general.
- Clone or download the repository.
- Create a folder called addons in your project.
- Download the repository and copy and paste the folders "jc.godot.universal-sky-common" and "jc.godot.time-of-day" or "jc.godot.time-of-day-mono" into that folder.
- Build the solution in the mono version.
- Go to Project -> Project Settings -> Plugins and activate the plugin.