Trying out Vapor as the backend for Foodies IOS
docker-compose up --build
swift run App migrate
swift run App seed
Pick a province.
1: Drenthe
2: Flevoland
3: Friesland
4: Gelderland
5: Groningen
6: Limburg
7: Noord-Brabant
8: Noord-Holland
9: Overijssel
10: Utrecht
11: Zeeland
12: Zuid-Holland
13: All
Every province takes around 90 seconds to seed. If you pick All
you'll be asked to pick a density.
1: Low // ~20 seconds
2: Medium // ~1 minute
3: High // ~3 minutes
4: Very high // 15+ minutes
When the seed is done you'll get a list with accounts and a password you can use to log in to the app.
swift run App
You can now run Foodies IOS
Adminer is available at http://localhost:8081
You can find the credentials in the docker-compose file