pyrenderer is a collection of scripts to run jrenderer application
this is needed to fetch osm file with all seamarks from openstreetmap database
osmium allows to compare osm files and extract osm files from another osm file
java application renders sea marks by a given osm file note: jrenderer is part of josm plugin JOSM-seachart
git clone
cd pyrenderer
sudo apt install osmium-tool python3 python3-pip
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless
pip3 install osmium
sudo apt install libpostgis-java libpostgresql-jdbc-java
libpostgresql-jdbc-java (42.2.5-2).
libpostgis-java (1:2.3.0-1)
the renderer is compatibel and running with Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_xxx)
the following url include install instrations for linux:
alternative solution is the openjdk in version 11
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless
the following command sequences generates the sea mark tiles in zoom level 9.18 for following area:
geo json: { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[11.074219, 53.644638],[12.128906, 53.644638],[12.128906, 54.265224],[11.074219, 54.265224],[11.074219, 53.644638] ]]}, "properties": { }}
tile info: x = 272, y = 164, z = 9
name: ./workingdir/in/osm description: osm file(s) from overpass api
name: ./workingdir/osm-extracts/ description: osm files generated by / osmium
name: ./workingdir/tilecache/ description: tiles generated by pyrender / jrenderer
schema: tiles/z/x/y.png
sample: ./9/272/164.png
schema: x-y-z.osm
sample: 272-164-9.osm
fetch osm file with all seamarks from openstreetmap database (
mkdir -p workingdir/in/osm
wget -O workingdir/in/osm/seamarks_planet.osm --timeout=600 --post-file=./sampledata/query/overpass-api-planet.overpassql ""
The following sample generates osm extracts for following tile:
mkdir log
python3 -g -i ./workingdir/in/osm/seamarks_planet.osm -o ./workingdir/ -y 164 -x 272
The following sample generates sea mark tiles.
options: -o path for storage of generated tiles -i path to osm extracts needs to be rendered -d run in "server mode" (like a daemon)
python3 -i ./workingdir/osm-extracts/ -o ./workingdir/tilecache/
[email protected]:stevo01/renderer.git