Starter code used for live demo of integrating the Twitter API and Python for EECS 398 Winter 2018 at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
$ pip3 install tweepy
created specifically to pull data from Twitter
no need to index into large dictionaries or format request URLs
pip3 install matplotlib
good for plotting data
"not the best out there, but easy to use" - Amrit
you want to keep your API keys secret, which is why they are placed in a separate file from your program.
if you choose to put your project on GitHub, DO NOT commit
Go to
sign into Twitter, then click "Create New App" in the upper right
fill out the name, description, and website for your applicaiton. Check the "Developer Agreement" box and finish creating your app!
under the name of your application, find and click the "Keys and Access Tokens" tab
located under Applicaiton Settings
copy and paste these keys into
scroll down and click "Authorize my Application"
located under "Your Access Token"
copy and paste these keys into
import tweepy
import matplotlib
from secret import *
check out the tweepy documentation on getting started
use keys/tokens from
to create the session
- ask the user (you) what hashtag to search
create new Tweet objects for each result
we only need the time each tweet was posted, but other data may be useful for debugging or other data analysis
check out the matplotlib documentation on histograms and subplots
this is just one analysis you could do on Twitter data
try something on your own!