NOTES: This project is already moved to for continuously incubated
Project octopus is incubated from and built on the popular open source project Harbor, which is an enterprise-class registry server that stores and distributes container images.
Project octopus is designed to replicate container images between multiple image registry instances which are located in different sites/datacenters with visual topological structured policy.
Limitation: Currently, it only supports Harbor instances. In future, it will support more registry types like DockerHub
Project Status: Incubating
The project octopus provides the following main features:
- Web console
- Manage multiple Harbor instances with health status checking
- Provide an orchestrating builder to design the topological replication policy among multiple instances
- Monitor the replication status with a unified view
- Provide replication statistics
Topological policy orchestrate:
Originator: Steven Zou
cd server
#~/tmp/database is the database file path
go run main.go -f ~/tmp/database
#For default, the server is started at host with port 7878
npm install
Before starting the web server, please find the file index.d.ts
under folder node_modules/@types/vis
and update the following interface (line 1699)
export interface Edge {
from?: IdType;
to?: IdType;
id?: IdType;
export interface Edge {
from?: IdType;
to?: IdType;
id?: IdType;
label?: string;
#If the api server is started at other host, please
#update the file 'proxy.config.json' to let it point
#to the right backend API server
npm start
Open your browser, access http://localhost:4200