Stephen Daimler
- Introduction
- Python Environment
- Instructions to Run
The purpose of this command-line program is to evaluate simple mathematical operator expressions such as '+ 1 2' which is the same as '1 + 2' which would evaluate to 3. Here are the rules:
- The syntax is always 'Operator Expression Expression' with one operator followed by two expressions.
- Operators supported are '+' and '-'
- Expressions can be a positive or negative number such as 5 or another (nested) expression like '- 4 5'.
- The input is a space delimited string like '- 7 8' and the output is a number like -1.
Here are examples of valid operator expressions:
- '+ 1 5' evaluates to 6
- '- 7 11' evaluates to -4
- '+ 3 - 8 9' evaluates to 2
- '- 1 + 4 - 3 2' evaluates to -4
An invalid operator expression would be:
- '- 5 + 2'
This is because the syntax is incorrect: 'Operator Expression Operator Expression'
- python 3.6.2
To get started, setup your environment like listed above. To execute the code below, on the command line, navigate to the directory with the file.
Execute the following command from the command line with the string to test as an argument.
python {string to test}
For example:
python "+ 1 2 - 3 4"
To execute the unit tests, in the same directory, run: