A neovim plugin for working with Salesforce sf-cli
das Kraftwerk - German: Power plant, literally "force works"
This plugin adds wrapper commands and utilities to work on a modern Salesforce project in source format using sf-cli
For a much more mature plugin for working with older Salesforce projects in metadata API format, see vim-force.com (vim only - no neovim support)
- neovim v0.7.0 or higher
- sf-cli
Using vim-plug
Plug 'stephanspiegel/kraftwerk.nvim'
Using packer.nvim
use { 'stephanspiegel/kraftwerk.vim', }
Using lazy.nvim
config = true,
ft = { 'apexcode', 'soql' },
keys = {
{'gqq', 'mxvap:ForceDataSoqlQuery csv<CR>`x', mode = 'n', desc = 'Run current paragraph as SOQL query'},
{'gee', 'mxvap:ForceApexExecute<CR>`x', mode = 'n', desc = 'Run current paragraph as Anonymous Apex'},
{'gqq', ":'<,'>ForceDataSoqlQuery csv<CR>gv", mode = 'v', desc = 'Run selected text as SOQL query'},
{'gee', ":'<,'>ForceApexExecute<CR>gv", mode = 'v', desc = 'Run selected text as Anonymous Apex'}
Alternatively, if you want to change any default settings, you can replace config = true
opts = {
sfdx_alias_config = '$HOME/.sfdx/alias.json',
sfdx_executable = 'sf',
(see section below)
If you don't like the defaults, call require('kraftwerk).setup()
, passing in a setup object. The defaults look like this:
sfdx_alias_config = '$HOME/.sfdx/alias.json',
sfdx_executable = 'sf',
: Location of thealias.json
file which sfdx auto-generates, containing information about all configured aliases. Used for username autocompletion.sfdx_executable
: Name of the sf-cli executable. Useful if you've aliased the executable to something else, or to specify the full path if it's not in the $PATH.
Most commands take an optional <alias>
argument as the last argument, so you can run them against a different org than the current default.
:ForceDataSoqlQuery <format> <alias>
Runs a SOQL query on a query highlighted in visual mode. Format can be one of:
- csv
- human
- json
- table (not implemented yet)
The result of the query will open in a separate buffer.
:ForceDataSoqlQuery! <format> <alias>
Same as :ForceDataSoqlQuery
, but use Tooling API to run the query.
:ForceSourcePush <alias>
Push local changes to the cloud.
:ForceSourcePush! <alias>
Push changes, forcing overwrite of remote changes if there are any conflicts.
:ForceApexTestRun <test class or method> <alias>
Start a unit test run. If <test class or method>
is given, run all tests in the class, or run the test method. Defaults to the test class open in the current buffer.
Todo: autocompletion. Will probably need to wait for treesitter parser.
:ForceApexExecute <alias>
Run code in the current buffer as Anonymous Apex. If there is a visual selection, runs the selected code, otherwise runs the entire buffer. The result log will open in a separate buffer.
Take the visual selection and try to parse quickfix items from it. You could use this to get the quickfix populated from an Apex log that contains a stacktrace.
The mason.nvim plugin contains a package for apex-language-server. You'll also want to install mason-lspconfig and lspconfig. The lspconfig plugin makes no assumptions about the location of the jar file for the language server, so you'll have to add that to your configs. This works for me:
require'lspconfig'.apex_ls.setup {
apex_jar_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data")..'/mason/packages/apex-language-server/apex-jorje-lsp.jar', -- Where mason.nvim installs the jar file
apex_enable_semantic_errors = false, -- Whether to allow Apex Language Server to surface semantic errors
apex_enable_completion_statistics = false, -- Whether to allow Apex Language Server to collect telemetry on code completion usage
An open issue prevents this from being too useful in editors besides VS Code.
The SOQL server is not yet included in mason.nvim/lspconfig, so there is some configuration work needed to include it locally:
-- Adding the SOQL LSP to lspconfig
-- See https://github.com/williamboman/mason.nvim/discussions/189
local Pkg = require "mason-core.package"
local npm = require "mason-core.managers.npm"
local path = require "mason-core.path"
local index = require("mason-registry.index")
index["soql_ls"] = Pkg.new {
name = "soql-ls",
desc = [[Language server for the Saleforce SOQL query language]],
homepage = "https://github.com/forcedotcom/soql-language-server",
languages = { Pkg.Lang.SOQL },
categories = { Pkg.Cat.LSP },
install = function(ctx)
npm.packages { "@salesforce/soql-language-server" }()
path.concat { "node_modules", "@salesforce", "soql-language-server", "lib", "server.js" }
local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs'
-- Check if it's already defined for when reloading this file.
if not configs.soql_ls then
configs.soql_ls = {
default_config = {
cmd = {'soql-ls', '--stdio'},
filetypes = {'soql'},
root_dir = lspconfig.util.root_pattern('sfdx-project.json'),
settings = {},
For working with results of ForceDataSoqlQuery in csv format