The Touch Frame application is a social networking app that connects families and ensures the safety of elder people in families. Our goal is to make life of families and elderly people happy, fun and enjoyable.
# init local git repository, do this under the path/folder of where you want your local git source repository to be
git init .
# specify username and email
git config "<your name>" # For example: git config "Zeyu Ye"
git config "<your email>" # For example: git config "[email protected]"
#Turn off https verification
git config http.sslVerify false
# add the remote repository
git remote add origin https://"<your username>" # For example: https://"<your username>"
# pull from remote repository
git pull origin master
# add new files
git add .
# commit the changes
git commit -m "<message>" # For example: git commit -m "Bug fixes"
# push to remote repository
git push -u origin master
Zhenghui Xiang, Zeyu Ye, Dan Li, Kun Qin, Di Mao, Zheng Chai, Daniel Chiuchiarelli, Jime Smith and Xing Hu