DandelionWebSockets is a client side WebSocket package.
Create a subtype of WebSocketHandler
, with callbacks for WebSocket events. Create a WSClient
connect to a WebSocket server.
type MyHandler <: WebSocketHandler
# These are called when you get a text or binary frame, respectively.
on_text(handler::MyHandler, text::UTF8String) = ...
on_binary(handler::MyHandler, data::Vector{UInt8}) = ...
# These are called when the state of the WebSocket changes.
state_connecting(handler::MyHandler) = ...
state_open(handler::MyHandler) = ...
state_closing(handler::MyHandler) = ...
state_closed(handler::MyHandler) = ...
The following functions are available on WSClient
, to send frames to the server.
send_text(c::WSClient, s::UTF8String)
send_binary(c::WSClient, data::Vector{UInt8})
# Close the WebSocket.
To connect to a WebSocket server, call
wsconnect(client::WSClient, uri::URI, handler::WebSocketHandler)
- Implement regular pings, to ensure the connection is up.
- Wait for Requests.jl next release. This package needs a HTTP Upgrade feature of Requests.jl, which is only present in master, not in the release 0.3.7.
- Ability to send multi-frame messages.
DandelionWebSockets is licensed under the MIT license.