General information on CMSDAS 2020:
Video introduction: watch here!
The Tau exercise is organised in two Jupyter notebooks, both contained in this repository.
To run the notebooks with regular CERN resources:
- Open a SWAN session at (the defaults are good, as of writing this pick software stack 97a and make sure to use Python3)
- In the SWAN session, click on the item on the right-hand side that says "Download Project from git"
- Copy-paste
- You're all set and can click on the two exercises,
If you finished the exercise, it would be great to send an email to [email protected] with the information whether you were able to successfully tackle the exercise and ideally also with pointers to finished notebooks, either linked on github, made available as exported webpage or PDF, etc. At the same time, we'd be very interested in getting specific feedback, suggestions, etc, so we can improve the exercise for future usage.
After you finished the exercise, please also fill
The exercise can also be run on any system that has Python 3, ROOT including PyROOT, and jupyter installed.
- The exercise can also be made to run with Python 2, but we use f-strings so it will require a few changes. Given the end of lifecycle of Python 2, we decided to not retain backwards compatibility.
- The software stack can be installed with conda (root, jupyter, python3). In this case, pick root version 6.20 since 6.22 currently has a bug (which is already being addressed) that prevents it to work together with jupyter.