Orchestrates your Copy Number Variant (CNV) bakeoff, part of research project for Clinical Bioinformatics Scientist Training Programme.
This project is aimed to collect data on the ability of CNV callers (targeted-capture Next Generation Sequencing) to detect clinically relevant CNVs. All samples should have a gold-standard known-CNV status for the gene in question. This project is aimed at bioinformaticians working in genetics laboratories but please let me know via the issues if there are any problems in installation or running, regardless.
Example setup for the system and the repository is shown below, using either python's virtual environment or conda environments if you'd prefer. If you are unsure, it is probably simpler to use the python virtual environment
At least Python3.6 and Docker (at least engine 1.10) are required for this project, and this has only been developed for unix systems.
Example Python installation for Ubuntu
Example code at time of writing shown, please use link if this is not recent.
# Check python3 version python3 --version
If Python version is less than 3.6
# Add deadsnakes PPA sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa # Update apt sudo apt-get update # install python3.6 sudo apt-get install python3.6 python3.6-venv
Example Docker installation for Ubuntu with x86_64 architecture. CentOS, Debian and Fedora, along with other achitectures also available from the link.
Example code at time of writing shown, please use link if this is not recent.
# Remove older versions of docker. It's fine if apt-get reports that none of the packages are installed sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io containerd runc # Update apt sudo apt-get update # Install packages to allow apt to use repository over HTTPS sudo apt-get install \ apt-transport-https \ ca-certificates \ curl \ software-properties-common # Add Docker's official GPG key curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add - # Verify key by searching for the last 8 characters of fingerprint sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88 # Add stable repository for amd64 architecture sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable" # Update apt sudo apt-get update # Install Docker ce sudo apt-get install docker-ce
Installation choice 1: Python's virtual enviroment library, venv
Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/stefpiatek/cnv-patissier.git
With Python 3.6, set up virtual environment
cd cnv-patissier # Create the virtual environment python3.6 -m venv .venv # Enable the virtual environment source .venv/bin/activate
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Installation choice 2: Anaconda
Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/stefpiatek/cnv-patissier.git
Create conda environment
cd cnv-patissier # Create conda environment conda create -n cnv-patissier python=3.6 anaconda # Update python conda update python # Enable the cona environment source activate cnv-patissier
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- CNV-patissier is run per capture and scans the gene sample sheets and runs all CNV callers on every sample per gene.
- The output from each caller is created in
- The known CNV status and called CNVs are saved in a sqlite database in
- A successful run settings file is written to
- Logs are written to
- The output from each caller is created in
- Each caller checks if there has been a successful run for that gene, if there has and no settings have changed (i.e. sample paths) then it moves onto the next.
- If there hasn't been a successful run the caller is run on that gene.
- If the settings have changed, the previous output will be deleted and the caller will be rerun. If you want to force a rerun, just delete the releveant successful run settings file.
Create a directory with the name of your capture in this example I will use
, and then createdbed
sub-directories. If in doubt, look at theinput/ICR_example
directory in cnv-patissier.cd cnv-patissier mkdir input/ICR_example mkdir input/ICR_example/bed mkdir input/ICR_example/sample-sheets
Copy your sorted capture bed file as the .bed e.g.
- The bed file should have the chromosome in the same format as you reference genome (i.e. "chr1" or "1")
- Please follow the BED format with chrom, start, end and name delimited by tabs. No header.
- The name column should be the gene name. If in doubt, please look at the example data in input for ICR_example.
For each gene in the capture where you have known CNV-status using a gold-standard, create a tab-delimited sample sheet. e.g. cnv-patissier/input/ICR_example/sample-sheets/BRCA1.txt and cnv-patissier/input/ICR_example/sample-sheets/BRCA2.txt
- Make sure to create a tab delimited file
- The name of the file should match the name column of the bed file from step 2
- Only create a sample sheet where you have at least 30 samples which are known not to have CNV, and have samples with known CNVs. You do not need to have a sample sheet for every gene in your capture.
- The column names are:
- sample_id: unique name for the sample
- sample_path: full path to the bam file, no '-' allowed in the filename (but in path is fine)
- result_type : samples that are known to have no CNVs can be either
. Samples which have a CNV arepositive
- There should be at least 30
samples, as manypositive
samples and a similar number ofnormal
- There should be at least 30
- Data for positive CNV samples:
- cnv_call: if dupliation
, if deletionDEL
. If you really have no way of knowing, please putunknown
- chromosome: check prefix matches bed file, and reference genome. Can be left blank
- start: most 3' position of CNV from gold-standard detection, can be left blank
- end : most 5' position of CNV from gold-standard detection, can be left blank
- cnv_call: if dupliation
file in the base directory of cnv-patissiercd cnv-patissier cp example_settings.py settings.py # edit the values in the `cnv_pat_settings` dictionary of `settings.py` for your setup
# in the root directory of cnv-patissier, with your environment activated
# e.g.
python cnv-patissier.py ICR_example
To run the tests
# in the root directory of cnv-patissier, with your environment activated
python -m pytest tests/
- The bam files and the reference genome are mounted as read only
- Only the
directory is mounted as writeable
- Each CNV call, with all metadata from each caller
- The BAM header for each file used, the docker mount path of the BAM file, result type and the sample name
- Information about the run duration and gene of interest
- Ideally nothing, the files in the
directory should never be altered
- Please make sure the BAM is indexed, and that this is newer than the BAM file (touch if necessary)
- Some tools will require this and fail because it doesn't exist