Opt in to Ruby YJIT by setting an environment variable:
Validate with:
$ docker run --rm --pull always -e RUBYOPT="--yjit" -it stefansundin/ruby:3.3 ruby -e "puts RUBY_DESCRIPTION"
ruby 3.3.6 (2024-11-05 revision 75015d4c1f) +YJIT [aarch64-linux]
Warning: Building this can take several hours depending on your hardware.
# pre-requisite:
docker buildx create --use --name multiarch --node multiarch0
# build and push:
# optional arguments: --no-cache
docker buildx build --progress plain --pull --push -f Dockerfile.ruby -t stefansundin/ruby:3.3 --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 .
docker buildx build --progress plain --pull --push -f Dockerfile.ruby:jemalloc -t stefansundin/ruby:3.3-jemalloc --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 .
# run:
docker run --rm -it stefansundin/ruby:3.3 bash
docker build --progress plain --pull --no-cache -f Dockerfile.ruby -t stefansundin/ruby:3.3-test .
docker run --rm -it stefansundin/ruby:3.3-test bash
docker build --pull --no-cache --squash -f Dockerfile.ruby:jemalloc -t stefansundin/ruby:3.3-test-jemalloc .
docker run --rm -it stefansundin/ruby:3.3-test-jemalloc bash
# validate with:
ruby -r rbconfig -e "puts RbConfig::CONFIG['MAINLIBS']"