A collection of javascript scripts that can aid in testing or with repetitive tasks on a website.
As a Continuous QA Engineer with high interest in automation, I don't just want to automate checks in our pipelines or develop monitoring systems. I also want automation to be an empowering force in exploratory testing.
In web testing many tasks gets repetitive when testing E2E where we don't want to skip or mock things. I've found that custom created javascript-bookmarklets are a great way to plow through boring, repetitive and time-consuming parts.
Like for example..
- click buttons/elements
- choosing options in dropdowns
- filling in data in a form and submit it
- opening 6 new tabs with 6 specified urls
- opening a specified url in six new windows with different resolutions
I constantly seek ways to improve quality and the efficiency in minimum time, effort, friction and stress on the team in achieving high quality and frequently releasing products.
Javascript bookmarklets is just one little piece in that puzzle.
I appreciate anyone filing ideas for scripts as an issue, or submitting your own scripts as pull requests. Wether it's a single actions or a complete suite of actions, all contributions or feedback are welcome.
If you'd rather go through other channels, you can reach me at:
- Email: [email protected]
- International DevOps-slack community https://goo.gl/ozDDyL
- Created your custom javascript-bookmarklets, inspired by this repositorys examples
- Google Chrome installed (I will not cover other browsers)
- Show bookmarks bar activated
- Right-click your bookmarks bar and choose
"Add folder"
and name it "bookmarklets" - Right-click on your folder and choose
"Add Page"
, a popup will open - Describe shortly what your javascript bookmarklets does in
- Paste your javascript-bookmarklets-code into
- Browse to the page you want to run your javascript-booklet on
- Click on your new booklet-button in the bookmark bar
This project is licensed under the MIT License