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PHP SDK for the Hypercharge payment gateway.

Latest Stable Version Build Status

tested with PHP > 5.3 on OSX/Linux

Matches hypercharge-API-doc version 2.24 2014/09/16


Do not download the Hypercharge PHP SKD files manually. The php package manger composer takes care of that.

Let's say MY_PROJECT/ is your project root folder.

Do the following three steps:

  1. Download composer.phar to MY_PROJECT/composer.phar

  2. With your text editor create a MY_PROJECT/composer.json containing

  "require": {
    "php": ">=5.3",
    "hypercharge/hypercharge-php": "*"

This will tell composer to install the most recent Hypercharge PHP SDK version.

  1. in the shell (DOS console or terminal) go to MY_PROJECT/ and run the command
$ php composer.phar install

This downloads and installs Hypercharge PHP SDK and its dependencies into MY_PROJECT/vendor/.

Show what has been installed

$ php composer.phar show --installed
hypercharge/hypercharge-php    1.25.5 Hypercharge PHP Library / SDK
hypercharge/hypercharge-schema 1.25.2 Hypercharge API JSON Schema
hypercharge/json-schema-php    1.3.3  A library to validate a json schema.


Notice: Later, when deploying your project to your server, upload the complete MY_PROJECT/vendor/ directory as well. MY_PROJECT/vendor/ contains the installed packages and autoload files.


To get started, add one of the following snippets to your global configuration file.

Sandbox (for testing)

Hypercharge support creates a test-account and sends you login and password. For development and testing. No real money is transfered.

// config.php
require_once dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload.php';


When your Hypercharge boarding is complete our support team will send you your live login and password. Real money transactions here!

// config.php
require_once dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload.php';

If there is no MY_PROJECT/vendor/autoload.php in your project follow the installation instructions.

Credit Card sale Transaction

Submit 77.00 USD as a credit card sale to hypercharge channel.

Note: You have to be PCI compliant to handle Credit Card data. Most likely you are not PCI compliant, in that case you use our Web Payment Form or our Mobile Payment.

require_once 'config.php';

// see field 'currency'
$channelToken = 'YOUR-USD-CHANNEL-TOKEN';

$sale = Hypercharge\Transaction::sale($channelToken, array(
  'currency'          => 'USD'
  ,'amount'           => 7700 // in cents, must be int
  ,'transaction_id'   => 'YOUR-GENERATED-UNIQUE-ID' // TODO your order-id here
  ,'usage'            => 'Appears in the customers bank statement'
  ,'card_holder'      => 'Max Mustermann'
  ,'expiration_month' => '07'
  ,'expiration_year'  => '2018'
  ,'card_number'      => '4200000000000000'
  ,'cvv'              => '123'
  ,'customer_email'   => '[email protected]'
  ,'customer_phone'   => '+403012345678'

  // TODO: dummy for cli run only. remove!
  ,'remote_ip'        => ''
  // TODO: uncomment
  //,'remote_ip'        => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']

  ,"billing_address" => array(
      "first_name" =>"Max",
      "last_name"  =>"Mustermann",
      "address1"   =>"Muster Str. 12",
      "zip_code"   =>"10178",
      "city"       =>"Berlin",
      "country"    =>"DE"

if($sale->isApproved()) {
  // cc transaction successfull
} else {

To see local validation errors wrap the Hypercharge\Transaction::sale call in a try catch.

require_once 'config.php';

$channelToken = 'YOUR-USD-CHANNEL-TOKEN';
try {
  $sale = Hypercharge\Transaction::sale($channelToken, array(
    'currency'          => 'USD'
    ,'amount'           => 7700 // in cents, must be int
    ,'transaction_id'   => 'YOUR-GENERATED-UNIQUE-ID' // TODO your order-id here
    ,'usage'            => 'Appears in the customers bank statement'
    ,'card_holder'      => 'Max Mustermann'
    ,'expiration_month' => '07'
    ,'expiration_year'  => '2018'
    ,'card_number'      => '4200000000000000'
    ,'cvv'              => '123'
    ,'customer_email'   => '[email protected]'
    ,'customer_phone'   => '+403012345678'
    ,'remote_ip'        => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
    ,"billing_address" => array(
        "first_name" =>"Max",
        "last_name"  =>"Mustermann",
        "address1"   =>"Muster Str. 12",
        "zip_code"   =>"10178",
        "city"       =>"Berlin",
        "country"    =>"DE"

  if($sale->isApproved()) {
    echo "cc transaction successfull\n";
  } else {
    echo "cc transaction FAILED\n";
} catch(Hypercharge\Errors\ValidationError $e) {
  echo "local validation errors\n";
  print_r( $e->errors );

} catch(Exception $e) {
  echo "severe error\n";

Web Payment Form (WPF) session

The following example is more complex.

  • create a WPF session.
  • redirect customer browser to WPF url provided
  • customer submits WPF and is redirected to return_success_url you provided. In the mean time hypercharge notifies your backend by calling notification_url, providing the payment status.
require_once 'config.php';

try {
  // create the WPF payment session
  $payment = Hypercharge\Payment::wpf(array(
    'currency' => 'EUR'
    ,'amount' => 1000 // in cents
    ,'transaction_id' => 'YOUR-GENERATED-UNIQUE-ID' // TODO replace with your e.g. order id
    ,'description' => 'Appears as intro text in the WPF form'
    ,'usage' => 'Appears in the customers bank statement'

    // TODO: set your PaymentNotification handler url here
    ,'notification_url' => ''

    // TODO: set your return pages for the user here. These are the pages he is shown after leaving the WPF
    ,'return_success_url' => ''
    ,'return_failure_url' => ''
    ,'return_cancel_url'  => ''

    ,'billing_address' => array(
        'first_name' =>'Max',
        'last_name'  =>'Mustermann',
        'address1'   =>'Muster Str. 12',
        'zip_code'   =>'10178',
        'city'       =>'Berlin',
        'country'    =>'DE'

  if($payment->shouldRedirect()) {
    // ok, WPF session created.

    // TODO: pseudocode, comment or replace with your own business logic!
    store_hypercharge_payment_unique_id_to_your_order( $payment->unique_id );

    // redirect user to WPF
    header('Location: '. $payment->getRedirectUrl());

  // handle errors...
  } elseif($payment->isPersistentInHypercharge()) {
    // payment has been created in hypercharge but something went wrong.

    // TODO: pseudocode, comment or replace with your own business logic!
    store_hypercharge_payment_unique_id_to_your_order( $payment->unique_id );

    // 1.) check $payment->error (a subclass of Hypercharge\Errors\Error)
    //     and show error message to customer
    // 2.) manually login to hypercharge merchant backend.
    //     Go to "Payments", search by unique_id and analize the log messages.

  } else {
    // TODO handle error
    // authentication error? check $login, $password
    // inputdata error? check your php code for missing or misspelled fields.


} catch(Hypercharge\Errors\ValidationError $e) {
  // no payment created in hypercharge because of local pre-validation errors

  // show validation errors to customer
  // $e->errors is an Array of Hash, format: [ { "property": String , "message" : String }, ... ]

} catch(Exception $e) {
  // severe error
  // log $e
  // display apologies to customer

The WPF is displayed in English by default ('en'). If you want a German WPF simply change the redirection line to:

    header('Location: '. $payment->getRedirectUrl('de'));

WPF PaymentNotification

With a PaymentNotification Hypercharge notifies your server about a Payment status change e.g. when a Payment was successfull (status approved) or has failed in some way. A PaymentNotification is a server to server request in the background. Neither webbrowser nor user interaction is involved.

    |   -> http POST request: notification ->   |
    |                                           |     -> store notification status to your DB
    |                                           |     -> e.g. trigger shipping (sucess) or send failure email to user (NOT success)
    |   <- http response: ack              <-   |

You place the php script under the url you specify as notification_url ( in the "Web Payment Form (WPF) session" example abough)

A scelleton:

require_once 'config.php';

// $notification is an instance of Hypercharge\PaymentNotification
$notification = Hypercharge\Payment::notification($_POST);
if($notification->isVerified()) {
  $payment = $notification->getPayment();
  if($notification->isApproved()) {

    // payment successfull
    // implement your business logic here

  } else {

    // payment NOT successfull
    // check $payment->status
    // implement your business logic here


  // http response.
  // Tell hypercharge the notification has been successfully processed
  // and ensure output ends here
  die( $notification->ack() );

} else {
  // signature invalid or message does not come from hypercharge.
  // check your configuration or notificatoin request origin

See PaymentNotification class definition for how to use $notification or $payment.

An example with symbolic busineslogic as pseudocode:

require_once 'config.php';

$notification = Hypercharge\Payment::notification($_POST);
if($notification->isVerified()) {
  $payment = $notification->getPayment();
  if($notification->isApproved()) {

    // payment successfull
    // implement your business logic here

    // example as pseudocode, replace with your own code...

    // store notification status to your database
    // Notice: to be 100% racecondition proof update status to 'payment_approved' has to be done atomically
    $updatedRows = update_order(array(
      'set'   => array('status'=> 'payment_approved'),
      'where' => array('status'=> 'waiting_for_payment_approval'
                      ,'hypercharge_unique_id' => $payment->unique_id

    if($updatedRows == 1) {
      // ok, start shipping
      $order = find_order_where(array('status' => 'payment_approved'
                                      ,'hypercharge_unique_id' => $payment->unique_id

    } else {
      // hypercharge notification already received! ignore duplicate notification.
    // END of your business logic

  } else {

    // payment NOT successfull
    // check $payment->status and handle it

    // ...

    // END of your business logic here


  // Tell hypercharge the notification has been successfully processed
  // and ensure output ends here
  die( $notification->ack() );

} else {
  // signature invalid or message does not come from hypercharge.
  // check your configuration or notificatoin request origin

Create Mobile Payment Session

Mobile Payments are quite similar to WPF Payments. The Session creation has slightly different data. The Notification code is the same as WPF Notification abough.

your_server -> POST XML -> hypercharge

require_once 'config.php';

try {
  // create the mobile payment session
  $payment = Hypercharge\Payment::mobile(array(
    'currency' => 'EUR'
    ,'amount' => 1000 // in cents
    ,'transaction_id' => 'YOUR-GENERATED-UNIQUE-ID'
    ,'usage' => 'Appears in the customers bank statement'
    ,'notification_url' => ''

  if($payment->shouldContinueInMobileApp()) {
    // ok, mobile payment session created.


    // tell your mobile device where to
    // a) submit credit card xml data to (submit_url)
    // b) cancel the payment if user presses 'cancel' in your mobile app (cancel_url)
    // see example below.

  } else {

    // TODO handle error
    // vaildation
    // authentication error -> check $login, $password
    // inputdata error -> check your php code for missing
    // or misspelled fields in $paymentData

} catch(Hypercharge\Errors\Error $e) {
  // no payment created in hypercharge because of local pre-validation errors

  // check your php code
  // display apologies to customer "Sorry, no payment possible at the moment."

Submit Mobile Payment from mobile device

Example Mobile Submit XML your mobile application posts to $payment->submit_url to process the payment.

  <card_holder>Manfred Mann</card_holder>

If you're concerned of POSTing cc data via internet: The $payment->submit_url will look something like so the xml will be transmitted encrypted.


Running tests for hypercharge-php itself has to be done outside of MY_PROJECT. Clone hypercharge-php into its own directory

git clone

step into the directory

cd hypercharge-php

install composer (here 1.0.0-alpha7 feel free to use a more recent one)

curl -o composer.phar

install dev dependecies

php composer.phar update --dev

Unit Tests

Run the unit tests

php test/all.php

You might wonder what the output means:

File does not exist /home/hans/hypercharge-php/test/credentials.json. See chapter 'Remote Tests' how to setup credentials for testing.

Simply read the next chapter.

Remote Tests

The remote tests make https calls to the hypercharge sandbox (testing gateway).

At first you have to setup your login and channel tokens:

Copy test/credentials.json.example to test/credentials.json. You received credentials when hypercharge created your test-acount. Add the credentials to test/credentials.json. See values marked with TODO.

Run the remote tests

php test/remote.php

this will take about a minute.

You can use environment variables:

DEBUG=1 CREDENTIALS=development php test/remote.php
  • DEBUG=1 verbose output.
  • CREDENTIALS=development switch to "development" credentials. Default is sandbox


  • test/credentials.json should not be checked into your code repository. e.g. add it to .gitignore
  • Do not run the remote tests on your live credentials.


This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.


PHP SDK for the hypercharge payment gateway API






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