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Linear mutable References and Utilities

Mutable state is anathema to pure functional programming. Or is it? In this library, we explore a way to keep mutable references and other mutable data structures within the boundaries of pure computations, making sure they do not leak into the outside world - and that they are properly released before we are done. This allows us to get the raw performance - and sometimes, convenience - of mutable state without sacrificing referential transparency.

Since we get automatic resource management with the approach presented here, this can be used for many different kinds of (mutable) resources the creation and manipulation of which does not have a permanent observable effect: We can allocate (and release!) raw C-pointers, mutable arrays, byte vectors, and hash maps; we can even setup and tear down a full-fledged in-memory sqlite3 database without resorting to IO! If we stretched the definition of what is an "observable effect", we could even work with temporary files and directories as long as we removed them all before we were done. This adds quite a large subset of effectful computations to the list of things that can be run and tested as pure functions, because all mutable state is confined within the boundaries of these computations, so that they are still referentially transparent when viewed from the outside.

This is a literate Idris file, so we'll start with some imports.

module README

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.IORef as R
import Data.Linear.Ref1
import Data.Linear.Traverse1
import Derive.Prelude
import System.Clock

import Syntax.T1

%default total
%language ElabReflection

What this Library offers

This is a small library providing a way to use mutable references in pure code, using a linear token to which the mutable references are bound via a parameter to make sure all mutable state stays confined within the boundaries of a pure computation.

An example (that could of course also be written with plain tail-recursion in a much simpler way):

nextFibo : (r1,r2 : Ref1 Nat) -> F1' [r1,r2]
nextFibo r1 r2 t =
  let f1 # t := read1 r1 t
      f2 # t := read1 r2 t
      _  # t := write1 r2 (f1+f2) t
   in write1 r1 f2 t

fibo : Nat -> Nat
fibo n =
  run1 $ \t =>
    let r2 # t := ref1 (S Z) t
        r1 # t := ref1 (S Z) t
        _  # t := forN n (nextFibo r1 r2) t
        v  # t := read1 r1 t
        _  # t := release r1 t
        _  # t := release r2 t
     in v  # t

Or, with some syntactic sugar sprinkled on top:

fibo2 : Nat -> Nat
fibo2 n =
  allocRun1 [ref1 1, ref1 1] $ \[r1,r2] =>
     forN n (nextFibo r1 r2)
     v <- read1 r1
     release r1
     release r2
     pure v

The techniques described in more detail below can also be used with linear mutable arrays or byte vectors, which are often much harder to replace in performance critical code than mere mutable references.

Purity and Side Effects

How does Idris implement computations with side effects such as reading files, sending messages over the network, or showing an animation on screen? All this can be done in a referentially transparent way by using a simple trick. But first, what does it even mean for a function to be "referentially transparent"?

(Breaking) Referential Transparency

An expression is said to be "referentially transparent", if it can be replaced with another expression denoting the same value without changing a program's behavior. Or, more simply put, a referentially transparent expression can always be replaced with the value it evaluates to without changing a program's behavior.

Let's look at an example:

square : Nat -> Nat
square x = x * x

eight : Nat
eight = square 2 + square 2

In the example above, we compute the same expression square 2 twice, which might be a waste of time if square were a long running computation. Since square is referentially transparent - calling it with the same argument will always lead to the same result - we (or the compiler!) can rewrite eight in a more efficient way by storing the result of evaluating square 2 in a variable:

eight2 : Nat
eight2 = let s := square 2 in s + s

Now, let us come up with something that is not referentially transparent (don't do this!):

-- create a new mutable reference outside of `IO`:
-- don't do this!
mkRef : Nat -> R.IORef Nat
mkRef = unsafePerformIO . newIORef

-- read and write to a mutable reference outside
-- of `IO`: don't do this!
callAndSum : R.IORef Nat -> Nat -> Nat
callAndSum ref n =
  unsafePerformIO $ modifyIORef ref (+n) >> readIORef ref

refNat1 : Nat
refNat1 = callAndSum (mkRef 0) 10 + callAndSum (mkRef 0) 10

refNat2 : Nat
refNat2 =
  let ref := mkRef 0
   in callAndSum ref 10 + callAndSum ref 10

refNat3 : Nat
refNat3 =
  let x := callAndSum (mkRef 0) 10
   in x + x

If you checkout the values of refNat1 and refNat2 at the REPL (by invoking :exec printLn refNat1), you will note that they are not the same. Obviously, we can't just replace mkRef 0 with the value it evaluates to without changing the program's behavior. The reason for this is that callAndSum reads and updates a mutable variable thus changing its behavior whenever it is invoked several times with the same mutable variable. This is the opposite of referential transparency, and if the compiler decided to convert refNat1 to the form of refNat2 as an optimization, we would start seeing different behavior probably depending on the optimization level set at the compiler. Good luck debugging this kind of wickedness!

Note however, that refNat3 evaluates to the same value as refNat1, and that's actually what this library is all about: If we keep a mutable reference local to a computation, that is, we create it and read and write to it as part of an isolate computation without letting it leak out, that computation is still referentially transparent, because the usage of the mutable reference is not observable from the outside. The problem with refNat2 is that we pass the same reference around, so that it can freely be mutated during or between function calls. This makes the result of a function invocation dependent on the reference's current state, and that's what's breaking referential transparency.

To recap: In the examples above callAndSum (mkRef x) y is a referentially transparent expression for all x and y, while callAndSum ref x is not.

But what about IO?

Yes, we need to talk about how IO works under the hood and how it upholds referential transparency. Obviously, a function such as getLine (of type IO String) yields a different result every time it is run depending on user input. How can that be referentially transparent?

Well, IO a is a wrapper around PrimIO a, and that is an alias for the following:

Main> :printdef PrimIO
PrimIO.PrimIO : Type -> Type
PrimIO a = (1 _ : %World) -> IORes a

Let's dissect this a bit. First, this value of type %World represents the current state of the world: You computer's hard-drive, mouse position, the temperature outside, number of people currently having a drink, everything: The whole universe. "How can that fit into a single variable?", I hear you say. Well, it doesn't, nor does it have to. %World is just a semantic token: It represents the state of the world. At runtime, it is just a constant like 0, null, or undefined that's being passed around and never inspected. It is only of importance at compile-time.

It is important to note that %World comes at quantity one, so a function of type IO a must consume the current state of the world exactly once. Afterwards, it returns a value of type IORes a, which has a single constructor:

Main> :doc IORes
data PrimIO.IORes : Type -> Type
  Totality: total
  Visibility: public export
  Constructor: MkIORes : a -> (1 _ : %World) -> IORes a

And that's it! That's the whole magic of IO. Semantically, an IO a action consumes the current state of the world and returns a result of type a together with an updated state of the world. Since no two world states are semantically the same, we can never invoke an IO action with the same argument twice, so it does not have to ever return the same result again and still upholds referential transparency.

Sounds like cheating? It is not. It actually works so well and behaves exactly as expected that huge effectful programs can be safely built on top of this. But there are some caveats:

  • We are not supposed to have a value of type %World: It must be provided by the runtime of our program when invoking the main function. After that, the world state will be threaded through the whole program, running all IO actions in sequence, each returning an "updated" world that will be passed on downstream.
  • Since the world state is never ever the same again, it can be hard to test IO actions in a reproducible way. They are free to produce random results (of the correct type!) after all.
  • Once we are passing around the world state, we can't stop doing so, that is, we can't break out of IO. We always have a world state of quantity one, so we must consume it, but as soon as it has been consumed, we get another one, again of quantity one. Therefore, there cannot be a safe function of type IO a -> a that extracts a result from IO. This would require us to semantically destroy the world! Actually, there is unsafePerformIO, which has exactly this type. It is called "unsafe" for a reason.

We can look at how all of this works with an example:

printTimePrim : PrimIO ()
printTimePrim w1 =
  let MkIORes t1 w2 := toPrim (clockTime UTC) w1
      MkIORes () w3 := toPrim (putStrLn "The current time is: ") w2
      MkIORes () w4 := toPrim (printLn t1) w3
      MkIORes t2 w5 := toPrim (clockTime UTC) w4
      MkIORes () w6 := toPrim (putStrLn "Now the time is: ") w5
   in toPrim (printLn t2) w6

printTime : IO ()
printTime = primIO printTimePrim

In the code above, we converted all IO actions to PrimIO functions by using utility toPrim. This is allowed and a safe thing to do. In PrimIO, we run computations with side effects by passing around the %World token explicitly (starting with w1). Every effectful computation will consume the current world state, and - since it has linear quantity - we will not be able to ever use it again. Instead, we get a new value of type %World (again at quantity one) wrapped up in an IORes: The "updated" world state. Therefore, it is perfectly fine that the two calls to clockTime UTC (they read the current system clock) do not return the same time: They are invoked with distinct world tokens (w1 and w4, respectively).

Of course, the code above is quite verbose compared to other imperative languages (because that's what it is: imperative code!), so we define a monad on top of all of this IO stuff, allowing us to sequence actions nicely in do blocks.

printTimeIO : IO ()
printTimeIO = do
  t1 <- clockTime UTC
  putStrLn "The current time is: "
  printLn t1
  t2 <- clockTime UTC
  putStrLn "Now the time is: "
  printLn t2

To sum this up: Every evaluation of an IO action consumes the current world state, and we can't reuse it, nor will we ever get it back. Therefore - by design - an IO action can't be invoked with the same arguments twice, and so it does not have to ever return the same result in a predictable manner.

But can't we cheat?

Sometimes we have to, especially when interacting with the foreign function interface (FFI) where all guarantees are off anyway. Therefore, %MkWorld is a value of type %World that's available to us, and we can theoretically destroy (consume) a value of this type by pattern-matching on it. This allows us to implement functions such as unsafePerformIO in the Prelude. But we must never do that unless we know exactly why we are doing it and what the consequences are.

Stateful Computations

A special case of computations with side effects are those that read and update mutable state. Before we are going to look at how to work safely with proper mutable references, we are going to look at some pure alternatives.

Let's assume we'd like to pair every value of a container type with an index representing the order at which it was encountered. For lists, this is very simple but not very pretty:

zipWithIndexList : List a -> List (Nat,a)
zipWithIndexList = go 0
    go : Nat -> List a -> List (Nat,a)
    go n []      = []
    go n (x::xs) = (n,x) :: go (S n) xs

As you can see, we thread the changing state (the current index, represented by a natural number) through the computation, updating it on every recursive call. This works nicely and is OK to read although we use explicit recursion.

Let's try something a bit more involved: Pairing the values in a rose tree with their index:

data Tree : Type -> Type where
  Leaf : (val : a) -> Tree a
  Node : List (Tree a) -> Tree a

%runElab derive "Tree" [Show,Eq]

In order to zip a tree's values with their index, we need to be a bit more creative: We not only return the updated tree on every recursive call but also the last index encountered:

zipWithIndexTree : Tree a -> Tree (Nat, a)
zipWithIndexTree t = snd $ go t 0
    go : Tree a -> Nat -> (Nat,Tree (Nat,a))

    many : List (Tree a) -> Nat -> (Nat,List (Tree (Nat,a)))
    many []        k = (k,[])
    many (x :: xs) k =
      let (k2,y)  := go x k
          (k3,ys) := many xs k2
       in (k3,y::ys)

    go (Leaf v)  n = (S n, Leaf (n,v))
    go (Node ts) n = let (n2,ts) := many ts n in (n2,Node ts)

Now, that's quite a mouthful. And if we plan to statefully update a tree in another way, we have to write all that or something similar again! Surely that's not how things should be.

A declarative and pure Solution: traverse and the State monad

Surely we can to better than that? We can. Note, how all sub-computations in zipWithIndexTree end on function type Nat -> (Nat,a) for different types a? We can abstract over this function type and wrap it up in a new data constructor. That's the State monad. And just like IO a is a monadic wrapper for PrimIO a, State s a is a wrapper for s -> (s,a). Note also, how the code with its let-bindings and pattern matches on pairs resembles the PrimIO code we wrote further above. That's no coincidence: Both describe pure, stateful computations after all.

Now, I'm not going to look at the state monad in detail, but I'll show how it can be used to convert ugly explicit recursion into declarative code. First, the stateful computation that pairs a value with the current index and increases the index by one afterwards:

pairWithIndex : a -> State Nat (Nat,a)
pairWithIndex v = do
  x <- get
  put (S x)
  pure (x,v)

Next, an applicative tree traversal: This describes the recursive traversal once and for all. First, we need to implement some interfaces. To keep this short, I'm going to use assert_total:

Functor Tree where
  map f (Leaf v) = Leaf (f v)
  map f (Node xs) = assert_total $ Node (map (map f) xs)

Foldable Tree where
  foldr f v (Leaf x) = f x v
  foldr f v (Node xs) = assert_total $ foldr (flip $ foldr f) v xs

Traversable Tree where
  traverse g (Leaf val) = Leaf <$> g val
  traverse g (Node xs)  =
    assert_total (Node <$> traverse (traverse g) xs)

And now it's a simple matter of traversing our data structures with pairWithIndex and run the whole thing starting from index zero:

zipWithIndexTreeState : Tree a -> Tree (Nat,a)
zipWithIndexTreeState = evalState 0 . traverse pairWithIndex

zipWithIndexListState : List a -> List (Nat,a)
zipWithIndexListState = evalState 0 . traverse pairWithIndex

Or, more general (this makes the two functions above redundant):

zipWithIndexState : Traversable f => f a -> f (Nat,a)
zipWithIndexState = evalState 0 . traverse pairWithIndex

Now that's more to our liking: Nice and declarative. And indeed, the state monad together with traverse makes for a nice programming experience.

Performance Overhead

Monadic code in Idris currently comes with a considerable overhead in performance: Zipping the values in a list with their index is about ten times slower when using traverse with State than with explicit recursion. In addition, traverse cannot be made tail recursive unless it is manually specialized for State, in which case we might just as well ditch the State monad altogether. And stack safety is important on all backends with a limited stack size such as the JavaScript backends. There, zipWithIndexState will overflow the call stack for lists holding more than a couple of thousand elements.

So, with the above two options it seems like we either get raw performance but have to write explicit recursions, which is not exactly declarative programming, or we lose in terms of performance and stack safety when using powerful declarative tools such as traverse.

The ST Monad

As an alternative to the State monad, the ST monad (from Control.Monad.ST) offers true mutable state localized to pure stateful computations. It is based on Haskell's Lazy Functional State Threads, which offers safe encapsulation of mutable state in pure, referentially transparent computations.

The key idea is to parameterize the ST monad over a phantom type s (a type parameter with no runtime relevance): ST s a. Mutable arrays and references are then parameterized by the same phantom type s, so that a mutable reference invariably belongs to a specific, single-threaded computation. For instance:

pairWithIndexST : STRef s Nat -> a -> ST s (Nat,a)
pairWithIndexST ref v = do
  x <- readSTRef ref
  writeSTRef ref (S x)
  pure (x,v)

zipWithIndexST : Traversable f => f a -> f (Nat,a)
zipWithIndexST t =
  runST $ newSTRef 0 >>= \ref => traverse (pairWithIndexST ref) t

The code looks similar to what a traversal with State offers, but it uses a proper mutable reference internally and thus performs about twice as fast as the version with the state monad.

However, in order to make this safe, great care must be taken to not leak any mutable state into the outside world. To guarantee this, function runST only accepts computations that are universally quantified over s: Such a function can never leak a mutable reference, because the reference would be bound to a concrete state thread and thus, to a concrete phantom type s. That's a type error. It is also not possible to smuggle out a mutable reference in an existential type and still use it at a later time. For that to work, we'd have to show that the tag of the current state thread is the same as the one of the mutable reference. Since s is erased, we have no way of comparing two such tags. Let's quickly look at both types of safety guard.

In the following example, we try to leak out a mutable reference to the outside world in order to (unsafely!) use it in a later computation:

  leak1 : STRef s Nat
  leak1 = runST (newSTRef 1)

As you can see, this does not work. We cannot get something tagged with phantom type s out of an ST computation. Changing s to something different does also not work: It is still universally quantified in runST:

  leak2 : STRef () Nat
  leak2 = runST (newSTRef 1)

In the next example, we try to trick Idris into leaking an existentially typed reference:

record ExRef a where
  constructor ER
  {0 state : Type}
  ref : STRef state a

leak3 : ExRef Nat
leak3 = runST (ER <$> newSTRef 1)

It works! Ha, now we are going to do some evil stuff!

  useExRef : ExRef a -> ST s ()
  useExRef (ER ref) = writeSTRef ref 10

Doh. Idris does not accept this because state does not unify with s. These last examples should demonstrate that it is indeed safe to use mutable references (and also arrays) within the ST monad, because even if we manage to get them out of ST, they can no longer be used at all.

And yet, ST is still considerably slower than explicit recursion. In addition, traverse is still not stack-safe, so it can't be used with large lists on the JavaScript and similar backends.

In addition, it is currently not possible to get safe allocation-release cycles (such as allocating and releasing the memory for a raw C-pointer) with the ST monad. It is therefore quite limited in its current state.

Enter: T1

I am now going to show how the limitations demonstrated above can be overcome by using a linear token to which all kinds of (mutable!) resources can be bound and use locally in a computation.

This is going to replace ST s, and comes without the overhead from using a monad to sequence computations. The code therefore closely resembles the raw let bindings of PrimIO. Here's the example for zipping the values in a list with their index:

pairWithIndex1 : (r : Ref1 Nat) -> a -> (1 t : T1 [r]) -> R1 [r] (Nat,a)
pairWithIndex1 r v t =
  let n # t := read1 r t
      _ # t := write1 r (S n) t
   in (n,v) # t

zipWithIndex1 : Traversable1 f => f a -> f (Nat,a)
zipWithIndex1 as = withRef1 0 $ \r => traverse1 (pairWithIndex1 r) as

There are several things to note in the code above. First, Ref1 Nat is a mutable reference holding a natural number. It is bound to a linear token t, parameterized with a list of bound resources. We cannot use a Ref1 a without the token it was bound to, and we cannot bind it to a different token without using unsafeBind, which is again called "unsafe" for a reason. Function withRef1 allocates and releases a mutable reference for us, and we are free to use it in our anonymous function (after the dollar sign).

The type (1 t : T1 rs) -> R1 rs a is so common in this kind of computation, that we get a short alias called F1 rs a for it:

README> :printdef F1
0 Data.Linear.Token.F1 : Resources -> Type -> Type
F1 rs a = T1 rs -@ R1 rs a

R1 s a is a linear result just like IORes a, that wraps a result of type a with a new linear token of type T1 rs. All of this allows us to write safe, single-threaded and stateful computations in a way that strongly resembles programming in PrimIO.

But how does this prevent us from using functions such as read1 or write1 with a mutable reference together with the wrong linear token? When we look at the type of read1, we see that there is a link between the mutable reference r and the list of resources rs:

README> :t read1
Data.Linear.Ref1.read1 : (r : Ref1 a) -> {auto 0 _ : Res r rs} -> F1 rs a

A value of type Res r rs is a proof that r is one of the elements of rs, that is, r is one of the resources bound to the linear token! Since a mutable reference will always be bound to the linear token it was created with (see function ref1), it is not possible to use a mutable reference with the wrong token. It therefore becomes completely useless outside of the current linear computation.

A simple Word Count Example

In order to demonstrate how all of this works together, we are going to write a simple word count program that counts characters, words, and lines of text in a single traversal of a list of characters. I'm not claiming that this is the most elegant or declarative way to do this. It just shows how to create, use, and release mutable references.

When counting characters, words, and lines, we need three mutable references for counting each entity. In addition, we need a boolean flag to keep track of word beginnings and ends.

With these, we can write a couple of utilities and then the main character processing routine. Their result type is always F1' rs, which is an alias for (1 t : T1 rs) -> T1 rs. So, these are functions that potentially mutate some state but do not produce any other results of interest.

inc : (r : Ref1 Nat) -> (0 p : Res r rs) => F1' rs
inc r = mod1 r S

endWord : (b : Ref1 Bool) -> (w : Ref1 Nat) -> F1' [c,w,l,b]
endWord b w t =
  let _ # t := whenRef1 b (inc w) t
   in write1 b False t

processChar : (c,w,l : Ref1 Nat) -> (b : Ref1 Bool) -> Char -> F1' [c,w,l,b]
processChar c w l b x t =
  case isAlpha x of
    True  =>
      let _ # t := write1 b True t
       in inc c t
    False =>
      let _ # t := when1 (x == '\n') (inc l) t
          _ # t := endWord b w t
       in inc c t

The actual wordCount function has to setup all mutable variables, traverse the sequence of characters, read the final values from the mutable refs, and cleanup everything at the end.

record WordCount where
  constructor WC
  chars : Nat
  words : Nat
  lines : Nat

%runElab derive "WordCount" [Show,Eq]

wordCount : String -> WordCount
wordCount "" = WC 0 0 0
wordCount s  =
  run1 $ \t =>
    let b # t := ref1 False t
        l # t := ref1 (S Z) t
        w # t := ref1 Z t
        c # t := ref1 Z t
        _ # t := traverse1_ (processChar c w l b) (unpack s) t
        _ # t := endWord b w t
        x # t := readAndRelease c t
        y # t := readAndRelease w t
        z # t := readAndRelease l t
        _ # t := release b t
     in WC x y z # t

This last step is quite verbose. This is to be expected: Just like in imperative languages, we have to introduce mutable variables before we can use them. It is also a bit tedious that we have to manually thread our linear token through the whole computation. However, there is some do and applicative notation available from Syntax.T1. There is also utility function allocRun1, which allows us to allocate all resources from a heterogeneous list in one go. Here's the word count example with some syntactic sugar:

wordCount2 : String -> WordCount
wordCount2 "" = WC 0 0 0
wordCount2 s  =
  allocRun1 [ref1 0,ref1 0,ref1 1,ref1 False] $ \[c,w,l,b] =>
    traverse1_ (processChar c w l b) (unpack s)
    endWord b w
    release b
    x <- readAndRelease c
    y <- readAndRelease w
    z <- readAndRelease l
    pure $ WC x y z

Even though syntax might not yet be perfect, we gain a lot from all of this: Fast, mutable state localised to pure computations together with safe resource management. To understand this, look at the type of run1:

README> :t run1
Data.Linear.Token.run1 : F1 [] a -> a

We extract a value of type a from a linear computation that starts and ends with zero allocated resources: We can't forget to release all resources that we set up along the way!

Finally, we can test our mini application:

main : IO ()
main = do
  printLn (wordCount "hello world!\nhow are you?")
  printLn (wordCount2 "hello world!\nhow are you?")

Back to IO

While we now have a clean way for using local, mutable state in pure computations, we have to ask ourselves once more: What about IO? Can we use our fast, linear functions not only in pure computations but also with mutable data structures that live in IO? Only then will we be able to reuse all the algorithms involving mutable state both in pure as well as in effectful code.

Ideally, the following statements must hold:

  • Mutable state living in IO cannot safely be used in pure computations, so we must never ever inadvertently cross the boundary between IO land and pure code.
  • We'd like to reuse our algorithms involving mutable state both in pure code as well as in IO, where we'd like to pass mutable structures coming - for instance - from the FFI (foreign function interface) to functions of type F1 rs a and evaluate the result - again in IO.
  • Mutable state is all about performance: We will not accept regressions in terms of performance to make the above possible.

Fortunately, there is a way to do all of this. There is as special type of Resources that is reserved for mutable state living in IO land: [World]. In addition, there is an interface - InIO - that allows us to tag a type so that the compiler knows it belong to IO.

Here's some example code demonstrating the concept:

incAgain : (r : Ref t Nat) -> (0 p : Res r rs) => F1' rs
incAgain r = mod1 r S

incIO : Ref1.IORef Nat -> F1' [World]
incIO r = incAgain r

incPure : (r : Ref1 Nat) -> F1' [r]
incPure r = incAgain r

First, we redefine inc with a more general type (function incAgain). What we see here is that the function now takes an argument of type Ref t Nat. This is our actual type for mutable references, and t is a tag than can either be RPure, or RIO. Ref1 is then just an alias for Ref RPure, and IORef is an alias for Ref RIO.

The other two functions demonstrate, that incAgain can be safely used both with an IORef as well as with a Ref1. Internally, the two are exactly the same and the generated code is also exactly the same, so incAgain could be some arbitrarily complex linear computation involving mutable state.

We require two more ingredients to make this all work out. First, we must make sure that upon creation, a mutable reference either explicitly belongs to IO (functions refIO and newIORef) or to pure computations (function ref1). Second, we need a way to run functions of type F1 [World] a, and running such functions should be an IO action. That's what utilities primRun and runIO are used for.

Below is a complete example demonstrating all of this by going back to computing Fibonacci numbers:

parameters (r1, r2 : Ref t Nat)
           {auto 0 p1 : Res r1 rs}
           {auto 0 p2 : Res r2 rs}

  nextFibo' : F1' rs
  nextFibo' =
    f1 <- read1 r1
    f2 <- read1 r2
    write1 r2 (f1+f2)
    write1 r1 f2

  fibo' : Nat -> F1 rs Nat
  fibo' n =
    write1 r1 1
    write1 r2 1
    forN n nextFibo'
    read1 r1

By allocating two mutable references in IO land, we can safely use fibo' from within IO:

fiboIO : Nat -> IO Nat
fiboIO n = do
  r1 <- Ref1.newIORef Z
  r2 <- Ref1.newIORef Z
  runIO (fibo' r1 r2 n)

Likewise, by allocating two mutable linear references and binding them to a linear token, we can safely use fibo' in a pure computation:

fiboPure : Nat -> Nat
fiboPure n =
  run1 $
    r2 <- ref1 Z
    r1 <- ref1 Z
    v  <- fibo' r1 r2 n
    release r1
    release r2
    pure v


Linear mutable References and Utilities







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