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idris2-async: Asynchronous computations in Idris2

This is a library for running cancelable asynchronous computations with proper error handling in Idris2. Depending on the backend you use, this also offers true parallelism, that is, computations running in parallel on multicore systems. It was strongly inspired by the cats-effect library written in Scala, although it is by far not as battle hardened as its antetype.

This is a literate Idris source file, so you can compile and run it. It is recommended to use pack for building and running the example applications:

pack run async-docs [args]

Before we start, let's import a couple of modules:

module README

import Data.List
import IO.Async.Loop.Epoll
import IO.Async.Signal
import IO.Async.Posix
import System
import System.Linux.Signalfd
import System.Posix.File

%default total

Introducing the Async Monad

This library provides a new data type Async e es a for describing cancelable, asynchronous computations that can fail with one of the errors listed in es and yield a result of type a if all goes well. Asynchronous computations need to be run on an EventLoop e, which provides an environment of type e. This environment can make additional capabilities available. For instance, it can allow us to register timers, signal handlers, or listeners for data streams (such as pipes or sockets).

Before we look at a first example, we need to get our terminology straight.

  • synchronous: Synchronous computations are typically defined via pure or liftIO: They are the typical sequential effects we know from the IO monad.
  • asynchronous: Asynchronous computations are defined using primAsync and produce their result by invoking a callback. Especially in JavaScript, many methods work asynchronously and will invoke a callback function once they have their result ready. While this allows us to continue with other work until the desired result is ready, working with (sometimes deeply nested) callbacks can be cumbersome and verbose. One advantage of Async is that it unifies synchronous and asynchronous effects in a single data type allowing us to conveniently mix and sequence them via the bind operator.
  • concurrency: Concurrent actions are independent in their control flow. This is the opposite of "sequential" in the sense that concurrent effects can occur in arbitrary order, since they are processed independently.
  • parallelism: Two computations run in parallel, when they are processed by more than one physical core or processor. Parallelism always implies concurrency, but concurrency not necessarily implies parallelism. For instance, on JavaScript - which is single-threaded - computations can be run concurrently but obviously not in parallel.
  • fiber: A lightweight computational thread (sometimes also called a green thread) on which effectful computations run sequentially. Unlike operating system threads, fibers are lightweight and not a scarce resource.
  • semantic block: A fiber is said to be semantically blocked, if its sequence of computations has (possibly temporarily) come to a halt without actually blocking the operating system thread it runs on.

In order to demonstrate some of this library's capabilities, we define two countdowns: One for counting down seconds, the other counting down milliseconds (in 100 ms steps):

countSeconds : TimerH e => Nat -> Async e [Errno] ()
countSeconds 0     = stdoutLn "Second counter done."
countSeconds (S k) = do
  stdoutLn "\{show $ S k} s left"
  sleep 1.s
  countSeconds k

countMillis : TimerH e => Nat -> Async e [Errno] ()
countMillis 0     = stdoutLn "Millisecond counter done."
countMillis (S k) = do
  stdoutLn "\{show $ S k * 100} ms left"
  countMillis k

This is very straight forward: On every recursive step, we sleep for a short amount of time, before continuing the computation. Since these are do blocks, computations are connected via bind (>>=), and this means strict sequencing of computations. Bind will not and cannot change the order in which the computations are being run, and it will only proceed to the next computation when the current one has finished with a result.

Note, however, that in the examples above there is not blocking of an operating system thread, even though we call sleep. I will explain this in greater detail later when we talk about Fibers, but for now suffice to say that the sleep used above (from module IO.Async.Util) is more powerful than System.sleep from the base library although they semantically do the same thing: They stop a sequence of computations for a predefined amount of time. Note also, that we need the EventLoop used to run our computations to provide the TimerH capability.

Let's try and run the two countdowns sequentially:

countSequentially : Async EpollST [Errno] ()
countSequentially = do
  stdoutLn "Sequential countdown:"
  countSeconds 2
  countMillis 10

You can try this example by running main with the "seq" command-line argument:

> pack run async-docs seq
Sequential countdown:
2 s left
1 s left
Second counter done.
1000 ms left
900 ms left
800 ms left
700 ms left
600 ms left
500 ms left
400 ms left
300 ms left
200 ms left
100 ms left
Millisecond counter done.

And behold!, the two countdowns will be run one after the other as we would expect.

Assume now, that the two countdowns are arbitrary long-running computations. Why should we wait for the first to finish before starting the second when they are completely unrelated? Let's try and run them concurrently as we would with Prelude.fork. The primitive to do this is called start, and like fork, it returns a value that we can use to wait for the computation to finish using wait. Here's the code:

countParallel : TimerH e => Async e [Errno] ()
countParallel = do
  stdoutLn "Concurrent countdown"
  f1 <- start $ countSeconds 2
  f2 <- start $ countMillis 10
  wait f1
  wait f2

If you try this example by running main with the "par" argument, you will notice that the messages from the two countdowns are now interleaved giving at least the illusion of concurrency. However, just like sleep and unlike Prelude.threadWait, wait will not block an operating system thread, and other computations could still run concurrently on the current thread.

> pack run async-docs par
Concurrent countdown
1000 ms left
2 s left
900 ms left
800 ms left
700 ms left
600 ms left
500 ms left
400 ms left
300 ms left
200 ms left
100 ms left
Millisecond counter done.
1 s left
Second counter done.

Since running several computations and collecting their results concurrently is such a common thing to do, there is also utility par, which takes a heterogeneous list of computations and stores their results again in a heterogeneous list (use "par2" as the command-line argument to run the next example):

countParallel2 : TimerH e =>  Async e [Errno] ()
countParallel2 = ignore $ par [ countSeconds 2, countMillis 10 ]

Another thing to do with two or more potentially long-running computations is to run them concurrently until one of them terminates. This would allow us to - for instance - run a long-running computation until a timeout fires, in which case we might want to end with an error. We will look at that example later on. For now, let's just run our countdowns concurrently until the faster of the two terminates. To spice this up a bit, we also add a signal handler so we can abort the program by entering Ctrl-c at the terminal:

raceParallel : TimerH e => SignalH e => Async e [Errno] ()
raceParallel = do
  stdoutLn "Racing countdowns"
  ignore $ race
    [ countSeconds 10000
    , countMillis 200
    , onSignal SIGINT (stdoutLn "\nInterrupted by SIGINT")

Running this with the "race" command-line argument gives the following output, unless it is interrupted by Ctrl-c:

> pack run async-docs race
Racing countdowns
10000 s left
20000 ms left
19900 ms left
100 ms left
9980 s left
Millisecond counter done.

As you can see, after the millisecond counter finishes, the seconds counter is canceled immediately and the application terminates even though the seconds counter had still a long time to go!


Just like in cats-effect, a Fiber is the main abstraction this library offers. It is sometimes also called a green thread because just like an operating system thread it describes a chain of computations running sequentially. However, unlike operating system threads, which are an extremely scarce resource, fibers are very lightweight. Don't believe me? Let's create an application computing a huge number of Fibonacci numbers concurrently:

fibo : Nat -> Nat
fibo 0         = 1
fibo 1         = 1
fibo (S $ S k) = fibo k + fibo (S k)

sumFibos : Nat -> Nat -> Async EpollST [Errno] ()
sumFibos nr fib = do
  vs <- parTraverse (\n => lazy (fibo n)) (replicate nr fib)
  printLn (maybe 0 sum vs)

You can try this by running the example application like so:

> pack run async-docs fibo 1000 20

The first numeric argument is the number of concurrent computations to run (and thus, the number of fibers that will be created), the second tells the application what Fibonacci number to compute. If you feel adventurous, try increasing the number of fibers to one million. This will undoubtedly consume quite a bit of memory and take more than a minute to terminate, but terminate it will. It would be unthinkable to create that number of operating system threads!

However, the example above is not a typical use case for this library. Since these are long running CPU computations, they inadvertently block the threads used internally in our event loop. Here's another example with a more typical use case: Running a large number of timers in parallel. In a real application, these could be fibers trying to read from or write to different sockets. We do not want any system thread to be blocked in such a scenario since we are just waiting for an event to occur. As such, we want to be able to run a lot such computations in parallel:

sleepMany : TimerH e => Nat -> Async e [Errno] ()
sleepMany 0     = pure ()
sleepMany (S k) =
  ignore $
      (\n => sleep >> stdoutLn "fiber \{show n} done")
      [0 .. k]

You can try this by running the application like so:

> pack run async-docs sleep 200
fiber 1 done

You will note that even in case of many fibers running in parallel, the running time of the whole application only slightly increases due to the inner scheduling of fibers which is not completely free.

Note: Since we use file descriptors for timers with the epoll-based event loop used to run these example applications, you might need to first increase the number of open file handles allowed before testing this with larger numbers of timers:

> ulimit -n 100000
> pack run async-docs sleep 20000
fiber 1 done

But what about parallelism?

The ability to create an almost unlimited amount of concurrently running computations is a big advantage of fibers. But what about true parallelism? Can the computations actually be run on several physical cores?

The answer to that depends on the backend we use. This example application is supposed to be run on one of Idris's Scheme backends, and can thus make use of more than one physical core. The core function for running an Async computation is IO.Async.Type.runAsyncWith, which takes an EventLoop e as its first argument.

An EventLoop's main functionality is to provide function spawn, which allows us to enqueue an arbitrary PrimIO action that will then be processed by the execution context. One implementation of this type is provided in module IO.Async.Loop.Epoll, which uses a fixed-size pool of operating system threads to process the enqueued IO actions. If the number of threads is greater than one, we get true parallelism when processing more than one fiber at a time.

Here is a way of visualizing this behavior. We again compute Fibonacci numbers, but this time we make sure that the numbers we compute are large enough to take hundreds of milliseconds at the least. In addition, we print ever result to get an idea of the runtime behavior:

sumVisFibos : Nat -> Nat -> Async EpollST [Errno] ()
sumVisFibos nr fib = do
  vs <- parTraverse visFibo (replicate nr fib)
  printLn (maybe 0 sum vs)

    visFibo : Nat -> Async EpollST [Errno] Nat
    visFibo n = lazy (fibo n) >>= \x => printLn x $> x

Run this with the "vis_fibo" command-line argument, but before doing this you might want to change the number of operating system threads to use by setting environment variable $IDRIS2_ASYNC_THREADS (the default is to use four threads):

pack run async-docs vis_fibo 10 42

With the arguments shown above, you will probably note that the results are always printed pairwise in quick succession before the app is again silent for a couple of seconds. By changing the number of threads you might get larger blocks of quickly printed results, an indicator that several computations are indeed processed in parallel before the next bunch of computations start.

The main function

This final sections only shows the main functions and a few utilities used to run the examples in this introduction. Currently, the event loop from IO.Async.Loop.Epoll is used to run this. This makes use of epoll internally, which is only available under Linux.

act : List String -> Async EpollST [Errno] ()
act ("par"   :: _)    = countParallel
act ("par2"  :: _)    = countParallel2
act ("race"  :: _)    = raceParallel
act ["fibo",x,y]      = sumFibos (cast x) (cast y)
act ("fibo" :: _)     = sumFibos 1000 30
act ["vis_fibo",x,y]  = sumVisFibos (cast x) (cast y)
act ("vis_fibo" :: _) = sumVisFibos 20 38
act ["sleep",x]       = sleepMany (cast x)
act ("sleep" :: _)    = sleepMany 100
act _                 = countSequentially

-- `sigs` is used to block the default handling of the listed signals.
run : (threads : Nat) -> {auto 0 _ : IsSucc threads} -> List String -> IO ()
run threads args = app threads sigs $ handle handlers (act args)
    sigs : List Signal
    sigs = case args of
      "race"::_ => [SIGINT]
      _         => []

    handlers : All (Handler () e) [Errno]
    handlers = [\x => stderrLn "Error: \{errorText x} (\{errorName x})"]

main : IO ()
main = do
  _::t <- getArgs | _ => die "Invalid arguments"
  s <- getEnv "IDRIS2_ASYNC_THREADS"
  case cast {to = Nat} <$> s of
    Just (S k) => run (S k) t
    _          => run 4 t


Asynchronous and concurrent computations in Idris2







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