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Fix friend list handling
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- Converted friend list handler parsing to use a data buffer instead of
doing it manually, the old way.
- Fixed the automatic requesting of friend list updates.
- All friend list related packets are now handled. (SID_FRIENDSPOSITION
still requests the full listing)
- Changed auto update interval to 5 minutes.
- Fixed the full listing being requested twice when adding/removing
- The full list is no longer requested when receiving a normal friend
packet (add/remove/update). These packets are just handled directly.
- GAME field is ignored from SID_FRIENDSUPDATE due to server bug.
  • Loading branch information
Davnit committed Apr 27, 2016
1 parent 96031ee commit e74d71f
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Showing 3 changed files with 126 additions and 172 deletions.
249 changes: 103 additions & 146 deletions trunk/clsFriendlistHandler.cls
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,27 +13,21 @@ Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

'clsClanPacketHandler - project StealthBot - authored by Stealth ([email protected])

'Special thanks:
'- Ethereal packetlogger was used in my own research
'- thanks to Arta[vL] and BNetDocs ( for additional assistance

Private Const SID_FRIENDLIST& = &H65
Private Const SID_FRIENDUPDATE& = &H66
Private Const SID_FRIENDADDED& = &H67
Private Const SID_FRIENDREMOVED& = &H68
Private Const SID_FRIENDMOVED& = &H69
Private Const SID_FRIENDSLIST& = &H65
Private Const SID_FRIENDSUPDATE& = &H66
Private Const SID_FRIENDSADD& = &H67
Private Const SID_FRIENDSREMOVE& = &H68

Public Event FriendUpdate(ByVal Username As String, ByVal FLIndex As Byte)
Public Event FriendAdded(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Product As String, ByVal Location As Byte, _
ByVal Status As Byte, ByVal Channel As String)
Public Event FriendRemoved(ByVal Username As String)
Public Event FriendListReceived(ByVal FriendCount As Byte)
Public Event FriendListEntry(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Product As String, ByVal Channel As String, _
ByVal Status As Byte, ByVal Location As Byte)
Public Event FriendMoved()

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set g_Friends = New Collection
End Sub
Expand All @@ -46,191 +40,143 @@ End Sub
Public Sub ParsePacket(ByVal PacketID As Long, ByRef Data As String)

Dim n As Integer, bytTemp As Byte
Dim s As String
Dim Position As Long
Dim pBuff As New clsDataBuffer
Dim flTemp As clsFriendObj

Position = 1
Dim n As Integer

pBuff.Data = Data

Select Case PacketID
Set g_Friends = New Collection

'0x65 packet format
'(BYTE) Number of Entries
n = Asc(Mid$(Data, 1, 1))

'For each entry:
'(STRING) Account
'(BYTE) Status
'(BYTE) Location
'(DWORD) ProductID
'(STRING) Location name

Call ResetList

Position = 2
'Set flTemp = Nothing
n = pBuff.GetByte() ' Number of entries
RaiseEvent FriendListReceived(n)

If (n > 0) Then

'For each entry
For n = 0 To n - 1
'If (g_Friends.Count > n) Then
' Set flTemp = g_Friends(n + 1)
Set flTemp = New clsFriendObj
'End If
''debug.print DebugOutput(Mid$(Data, Position)) & vbCrLf
s = ""

Set flTemp = New clsFriendObj

With flTemp
'For each entry:
'(STRING) Account
s = KillNull(Mid$(Data, Position))
.Name = s
'debug.print "Username: " & s
Position = Position + Len(.Name) + 1 'account for chr(0) at end
'debug.print "Position incremented " & Len(.Name) + 1 & " to " & Position

'(BYTE) Status
bytTemp = Asc(Mid$(Data, Position, 1))
.Status = bytTemp
Position = Position + 1

'debug.print "Status: " & .Status
'debug.print "Position incremented 1 to " & Position

'(BYTE) Location
bytTemp = Asc(Mid$(Data, Position, 1))
.LocationID = bytTemp
Position = Position + 1

'debug.print "Location: " & .Location
'debug.print "Position incremented 1 to " & Position
.Name = pBuff.GetString() ' Account
.Status = pBuff.GetByte() ' Status
.LocationID = pBuff.GetByte() ' Location

'(DWORD) ProductID
s = Mid$(Data, Position, 4)
If Conv(s) = 0 Then
' Product ID
.Game = StrReverse(pBuff.GetRaw(4))
If Conv(.Game) = 0 Then
.Game = "OFFL"
.Game = StrReverse(s)
End If
Position = Position + 4

'debug.print "ProductID: " & .Game
'debug.print "Position incremented 4 to " & Position

'(STRING) Channel
s = KillNull(Mid$(Data, Position))
Position = Position + Len(s) + 1
.Location = s
' Location name
.Location = pBuff.GetString()
End With

''debug.print "Successfully added: " & flTemp.Name

'If (g_Friends.Count > n) Then
' RaiseEvent FriendUpdate(flTemp.DisplayName, n + 1)
g_Friends.Add flTemp

'frmChat.AddChat vbRed, flTemp.Name & ":" & flTemp.DisplayName

RaiseEvent FriendListEntry(flTemp.DisplayName, flTemp.Game, flTemp.Location, flTemp.Status, _
'End If

' Add to the internal list
g_Friends.Add flTemp

RaiseEvent FriendListEntry(flTemp.DisplayName, flTemp.Game, flTemp.Location, flTemp.Status, _

Set flTemp = Nothing

Next n
End If

Exit Sub

'0x66 packet format
'(BYTE) Entry number
n = Asc(Mid$(Data, Position, 1)) + 1
'(BYTE) Status
'(BYTE) Location
'(DWORD) ProductID
'(STRING) Location name

Position = 2 ' Position + 1
n = pBuff.GetByte() + 1

With g_Friends(n)
'(BYTE) Flags
bytTemp = Asc(Mid$(Data, Position, 1))
Position = Position + 1
.Status = bytTemp
.Status = pBuff.GetByte() ' Status
.LocationID = pBuff.GetByte() ' Location

'(BYTE) Location
bytTemp = Asc(Mid$(Data, Position, 1))
Position = Position + 1
.LocationID = bytTemp

'(DWORD) Product ID
s = Mid$(Data, Position, 4)
Position = Position + 4
.Game = StrReverse(s)

'(STRING) Location str (blank = private)
s = Mid$(Data, Position)
' NOTE: There is a server bug here where, when this packet is sent automaticlaly
' (not requested), the ProductID field contains your own product instead.
' Because of this, we ignore that field completely and wait for the periodic updates
' to update the value.
' (see:

If (Len(s) > 1) Then
s = Left$(s, Len(s) - 1)
End If
' Product ID
'.Game = StrReverse(pBuff.GetRaw(4))
'If Conv(.Game) = 0 Then
' .Game = "OFFL"
'End If

.Location = IIf(LenB(s) > 0, s, "(private)")
' Location name
.Location = pBuff.GetString()

RaiseEvent FriendUpdate(.DisplayName, n)
End With

Exit Sub

'0x67 packet format
'(STRING) Account
'(BYTE) Status
'(BYTE) Location
'(DWORD) ProductID
'(STRING) Location name

Set flTemp = New clsFriendObj

With flTemp
'(STRING) Account
s = KillNull(Mid$(Data, Position))
Position = Position + Len(s) + 1
.Name = s

'(BYTE) Friend Status
bytTemp = Asc(Mid$(Data, Position, 1))
Position = Position + 1
.Status = bytTemp
.Name = pBuff.GetString() ' Account
.Status = pBuff.GetByte() ' Status
.LocationID = pBuff.GetByte() ' Location

'(BYTE) Friend Location
bytTemp = Asc(Mid$(Data, Position, 1))
Position = Position + 1
.LocationID = bytTemp

'(DWORD) ProductID
s = Mid$(Data, Position, 4)
Position = Position + 4
.Game = IIf(Conv(s) > 0, StrReverse(s), "OFFL")
' Product ID
.Game = StrReverse(pBuff.GetRaw(4))
If Conv(.Game) = 0 Then
.Game = "OFFL"
End If

'(STRING) Channel
s = KillNull(Mid$(Data, Position))
.Location = s
' Location name
.Location = pBuff.GetString()

RaiseEvent FriendAdded(.DisplayName, .Game, .LocationID, .Status, .Location)
End With

g_Friends.Add flTemp, flTemp.Name
' Add to the internal list
g_Friends.Add flTemp

Set flTemp = Nothing

Exit Sub

'0x68 packet format
'(BYTE) Entry Number
bytTemp = Asc(Mid$(Data, 1, 1)) + 1

If bytTemp > 0 And bytTemp <= g_Friends.Count Then
RaiseEvent FriendRemoved(g_Friends.Item(bytTemp).DisplayName)
n = pBuff.GetByte() + 1

If n > 0 And n <= g_Friends.Count Then
RaiseEvent FriendRemoved(g_Friends.Item(n).DisplayName)

g_Friends.Remove bytTemp
g_Friends.Remove n
End If

Exit Sub

'(BYTE) Old Position
'(BYTE) New Position
'0x69 packet format
'(BYTE) Old Position
'(BYTE) New Position

Set flTemp = Nothing
RaiseEvent FriendMoved

End Select

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,6 +213,17 @@ Public Function UsernameToFLIndex(ByVal sUsername As String) As Integer
End If
End Function

' Returns true if the specified product automatically receives friend update packets.
Public Function SupportsFriendPackets(ByVal sProduct As String) As Boolean
Select Case GetProductInfo(sProduct).Code
SupportsFriendPackets = True
Case Else
SupportsFriendPackets = False
End Select
End Function

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set g_Friends = Nothing
Expand Down

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