This is an unofficial Pytorch implementation of VideoMatch: Matching based Video Object Segmentation
Currently only single object segmentation (DAVIS 2016) is supported. I also didn't implement online model update (see ch 3.3) and early stop with regards to validation set IOU.
is the main entry point to this project, run python3 -h
to see all the options.
Both in train and eval mode you can change both encoder type and upsample factor for enlarging encoder features. Encoder weights from torchvision
are used, so model weights will be
downloaded automatically if you don't have them. Try setting the upsample factor as high as possible (before you get RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory
) since
this controls resulting segmentation resolution/quality.
Code was written for Python 3.6.8 and Pytorch 1.2.0.
For training first download DAVIS dataset and store it in project root or use -d
flag to set DAVIS path.
To stop the training and save the model (needs -s
option) just press CTRL+C
Currently only batch size of 1 is supported for training because of the implementation nature of cosine similarity in
python3 -c 0 -m train -t train -s models/vm_vgg.pth -p 416 790 -l 1e-5 -x
You can also generate segmentation image results for evaluation and video result.
Generated segmentation images appear to be black with image viewer even though it's a binary image. Need to add a palette when saving the images.
In case you have enabled the result video visualization (flag -v
) you need to manually close matplotlib figure or
the evaluation won't continue. Either matplotlib has a bug or I'm doing something wrong...
python3 -c 0 -m eval -t val -u -o models/vm_vgg.pth -j vm_results -v
You can run
with reference image path, reference mask path and multiple test image paths to visualize foreground and background probabilities.
python3 DAVIS/JPEGImages/480p/bear/00000.jpg DAVIS/Annotations/480p/bear/00000.png DAVIS/JPEGImages/480p/bear/00001.jpg
To visualize image augmentation run
python3 DAVIS/JPEGImages/480p/bear/00000.jpg DAVIS/Annotations/480p/bear/00000.png
Running this code on DAVIS 2016 (single object segmentation) with VGG19 encoder and upsample factor of 1.8 on 1080 Ti I managed to achieve these results:
J&F-Mean | J-Mean | J-Recall | J-Decay | F-Mean | F-Recall | F-Decay |
0.652 | 0.655 | 0.720 | 0.219 | 0.649 | 0.669 | 0.202 |