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Starlight Lab Website

This is the official website for the Starlight Lab at Carnegie Mellon University. The website is built using React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS, and is deployed using GitHub Pages.

🚀 Quick Start

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Start the development server:
npm run dev

📁 Project Structure

├── components/         # Reusable React components
├── data/              # JSON data files for content
├── pages/             # Page components
├── types/             # TypeScript type definitions
└── styles/            # CSS and styling files

Maintenance Mode

The website includes a maintenance overlay that can be toggled on/off using a single variable:

  1. Open src/App.tsx
  2. Locate the MAINTENANCE_MODE variable at the top of the file:
export const MAINTENANCE_MODE = true;
  1. Set it to false to disable the maintenance overlay and show the full website
  2. Set it to true to enable the maintenance overlay

Making Changes

Updating Content

All content is stored in JSON files in the src/data directory:

  • news.json: Latest news and announcements
  • team.json: Team member information
  • publications.json: Research publications
  • projects.json: Research projects

To update content, simply edit the corresponding JSON file. The changes will be automatically reflected in the website.

Adding News Items

Add new items to the news array in src/data/news.json:

  "news": [
      "date": "March 20, 2024",
      "title": "Your News Title",
      "content": "Your news content"
    // ... existing items

Adding Team Members

Add new members to the labMembers array in src/data/team.json:

  "labMembers": [
      "name": "New Member Name",
      "role": "Role Title",
      "bio": "Member bio",
      "image": "",
      "links": {
        "google_scholar": "optional-url",
        "github": "optional-url",
        "website": "optional-url",
        "email": "optional-email",
        "linkedin": "optional-url"
    // ... existing members

Adding Publications

Add new publications to the publications array in src/data/publications.json:

  "publications": [
      "title": "Publication Title",
      "authors": ["Author 1", "Author 2"],
      "venue": "Conference/Journal Name",
      "year": 2024,
      "pdf": "optional-pdf-url",
      "code": "optional-code-url",
      "abstract": "Publication abstract"
    // ... existing publications

Adding Projects

Add new projects to the projects array in src/data/projects.json:

  "projects": [
      "title": "Project Title",
      "description": "Project description",
      "image": "",
      "tags": ["Tag1", "Tag2"],
      "link": "optional-project-url"
    // ... existing projects

Styling Changes

The website uses Tailwind CSS for styling. The main configuration is in:

  • tailwind.config.js: Tailwind configuration
  • src/index.css: Global styles and animations

Adding New Pages

  1. Create a new component in src/pages/
  2. Add the route in src/App.tsx
  3. Add the navigation link in src/components/Navbar.tsx


The website is automatically deployed to GitHub Pages when changes are pushed to the main branch. The deployment process is handled by the GitHub Actions workflow in .github/workflows/deploy.yml.

To deploy manually:

  1. Push your changes to the main branch:
git add .
git commit -m "Your commit message"
git push origin main
  1. The GitHub Actions workflow will automatically:

🛠️ Development

Available Scripts

  • npm run dev: Start development server
  • npm run build: Build for production
  • npm run preview: Preview production build locally
  • npm run lint: Run ESLint

TypeScript Types

The types for all data structures are defined in src/types/index.ts. Update these types if you modify the data structure in the JSON files.

📱 Responsive Design

The website is fully responsive with three main breakpoints:

  • Mobile: < 768px
  • Tablet: 768px - 1024px
  • Desktop: > 1024px

📄 License

MIT License - see LICENSE file for details


starlight lab official website







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