RocketMQ is a fast, reliable, scalable, easy to use message oriented middleware breeding from alibaba massive messaging business.
It offers a variety of features as follows:
- Reliable FIFO and strict sequential messaging
- Pub/Sub and P2P messaging model
- Million message accumulation ability in single queue
- Pull queues and push queues
- Over a variety of messaging protocols.such as JMS,MQTT etc.
- Distributed clustering, support fault-tolerance
- Docker images for isolated testing and cloud Isolated clusters
- Feature-rich administrative dashboard for configuration and monitoring
- Homepage:
- Mailing list:!forum/rocketmq
- Documentation:
- Wiki:
- Issues:
- Download the latest release package
- Get the latest document & Who using RocketMQ
Using RocketMQ in Aliyun
Docker images
- Integrate with Alibaba JStorm
- Integrate with Alibaba Canal
- vintagewang(@vintagewang)
- vongosling(@vongosling)
- manhong
- allenzhu(@allenzhu)
- longji
- fuchong
- mouyu
- @lizhanhui fixed several important bugs.
- @vongosling developed rocketmq-storm for rocketmq
- @majinkai developed rocketmq-flume for rocketmq
- @kangliqiang developed rocketmq-client4cpp for rocketmq
- @yankai913 developed rocketmq-console for rocketmq
- @calvinzhan developed rocketmq-jmsclient for rocketmq
Apache License, Version 2.0 Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Alibaba Group Holding Limited