Please select either one of the deployment step (Auto Deploy & Installation or Manual Deploy & Installation) to deploy the application
Install aws-cli
Install jq
Configurate default aws profile
Navigate to the project clone path, run below command, it will use your default aws profile to execute
Optional: To execute with other aws profile, replace below "[my_profile_name]" with your aws profile
sh [my_profile_name]
- Clone the project from
- Export the cloned path var, replace {git cloned path} to the path where you clone the project
export GITClonedPath={git cloned path}
- Create a S3 bucket and Upload the lambda source code to the S3 bucket
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-1
export S3Bucket=backendbucket-api
aws s3 mb s3://$S3Bucket
aws s3 cp $GITClonedPath/backend/ipdetection/ s3://$S3Bucket/
- Create cloudformation stack
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name backend --template-body file://$GITClonedPath/cf/backend.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameters ParameterKey=S3Bucket,ParameterValue=$S3Bucket
- Wait cloudformation stack finish
aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name backend
- Grep the output of cloudformation stack
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name backend --query Stacks[0].Outputs
- Expected output
"OutputKey": "ApiBaseUrl",
"OutputValue": ""
"OutputKey": "Region",
"OutputValue": "ap-southeast-1"
"OutputKey": "CognitoId",
"OutputValue": "ap-southeast-1:546214db-60ab-40c4-9a02-cdb4bdfb22ac"
"OutputKey": "ApiId",
"OutputValue": "14ej5gtezk"
"OutputKey": "ApiPath",
"OutputValue": "ip"
8.Open frontend configuration file -> $GITClonedPath/frontend/dist/config.js, update {ApiBaseUrl},{Region},{CognitoId} to "OutputValue" from above corresponding “OutputKey”
var awsConfig = {
endpoints: [
name: "ips",
endpoint: "{ApiBaseUrl}",
region: "{Region}"
identityPoolId: "{CognitoId}",
region: "{Region}"
- Create cloudformation stack for frontend
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name frontend --template-body file://$GITClonedPath/cf/frontend.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
- Wait cloudformation stack finish
aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name frontend
- Grep the output of cloudformation stack
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name frontend --query Stacks[0].Outputs
- Expected output
"OutputKey": "BucketUrlForOAIVerify",
"OutputValue": ""
"OutputKey": "BucketName",
"OutputValue": "frontend-frontendbucket-9zdf7nn66utp"
"OutputKey": "CloudFrontUrl",
"OutputValue": ""
"OutputKey": "CloudFrontId",
"OutputValue": "EDK6SJ05GH29V"
- Upload files to S3, update {BucketName} to "OutputValue" from above corresponding “OutputKey”
export S3BucketFrontend={BucketName}
aws s3 cp $GITClonedPath/frontend/dist/index.html s3://$S3BucketFrontend/index.html
aws s3 cp $GITClonedPath/frontend/dist/config.js s3://$S3BucketFrontend/config.js
aws s3 cp $GITClonedPath/frontend/dist/main.bundle.js s3://$S3BucketFrontend/main.bundle.js
- Open browser and enter {CloudFrontUrl} to verify the application, open browser and enter {BucketUrlForOAIVerify} to verify the OAI restrict access of the S3