volafile.org is a file sharing site. There are rooms where uploaded files are kept for 48 hours before being deleted. Chances are you will find a room youn like. Backing things up is a pain in the ass. It's much more pleasent to have a cron job do it for you.
This is where the script comes in.
I made this script over an year ago primarily for a friend (though I used it ocasionaly for a room or two). I somehow forgot to upload it to github. Perhaps writing it in one sitting was part of it.
When I began the script I thought it will be a 10 minute game of a coupple of greps and a pipe or two. Turns out, the developers of the platform use websockets.
This means you can't curl / wget the site. (Since data is sent through the socket every few seconds)
I use node to act as a browser and wait for 5 seconds (usually 1.5 seconds are enough, but connection speed varies) Once the script has the html it downloads the attachments.
The script accounts for already downloaded attachments.
phantomjs scrapper.js <room id> | node downloader.js <dir to save files in>
You need, node and npm installed The version of node should support ES6.
Linux (apt):
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
brew install node
- npm should be installed with node
Once you've cloned the repo run
npm install
to install the required packages
The script doesn't handle well files with the same name. So if you have cat.png 10 times, you will get 1 cat, not 10. This can be solved by looking at file size, dimentions and so on.