This library is needed to use my PhotoMap script written in Python.
Plotting data on Google Maps, the easy way. A matplotlib-like interface to generate the HTML and javascript to render all the data you'd like on top of Google Maps. Several plotting methods make creating exploratory map views effortless. Here's a crash course:
import gmplot gmap = gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter(37.428, -122.145, 16) gmap.plot(latitudes, longitudes, 'cornflowerblue', edge_width=10) gmap.scatter(more_lats, more_lngs, '#3B0B39', size=40, marker=False) gmap.scatter(marker_lats, marker_lngs, 'k', marker=True) gmap.heatmap(heat_lats, heat_lngs) gmap.draw("mymap.html")
contains a simple wrapper around Google's geocoding service enabling
map initilization to the location of your choice. Rather than providing latitude,
longitude, and zoom level during initialization, grab your gmplot instance with
a location:
gmap = gmplot.from_geocode("San Francisco")
- Polygons with fills.
- Scatter points.
- Heatmaps.
- Pins with Infowindows
Original Source Code hosted on GitHub
Inspired by Yifei Jiang's ([email protected]) pygmaps module.