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ARM Models Sorted by Name
- 8 Schools
- Congress
- Dogs
- Earnings
- Election88
- Electric
- Grades
- Ideo
- Item Response
- Kid IQ
- Lightspeed
- Mesquite
- Pilots
- Radon
- Roaches
- Sesame
- Statistical Calculations
- Unemployment
- Weight
- Wells
- 8_schools: multi-level linear model with redundant parameterization
- congress: linear model with two predictors
lm (vote_88 ~ vote_86 + incumbency_88)
dogs: multi-level logit regression model
dogs_log: multi-level model using binomial distribution
dogs_check: multi-level model using binomial distribution
- earnings: linear model with one predictor
lm (earnings ~ height)
- earnings: linear model with one predictor and natural log transformation
lm (log_earnings ~ height)
- earnings: linear model with one predictor and log10 transformation
lm (log10_earnings ~ height)
- earnings: linear model with two predictors and natural log transformation
lm (log_earnings ~ height + male)
- earnings: linear model with two predictors and interaction and natural log transformation
lm (log_earnings ~ height + male + height:male)
- earnings: linear model with two predictors and interaction and natural log transformation centered using z-score
lm (log_earnings ~ z_height + male + z_height:male)
- earnings: linear model with two predictors and log log transformation
lm (log_earnings ~ log_height + male)
- earnings: generalized linear model with logit link function and two predictors
glm (earn_pos ~ height + male, family=binomial(link="logit"))
- earnings: linear model with two predictors and log transformation
lm (log_earn ~ height + male, subset=earn>0)
- earnings_vary_si: multi-level linear model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ x (1 + x | ethn))
- earnings_latin_square: non-nested multi-level linear model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ x.centered + (1 + x.centered | eth) + (1 + x.centered | age) + (1 + x.centered | eth:age))
- earnings: linear model with ten predictors
lm (earnings ~ male + over65 + white + immig + educ_r + workmos + workhrs_top + any_ssi + any_welfare
+ any_charity)
- earnings_pt1: logistic regression model with eight predictors
glm (earnings ~ male + over65 + white + immig + educ_r + any_ssi + any_welfare + any_charity,
- earnings_pt2: linear model with eight predictors
lm (earnings ~ male + over65 + white + immig + educ_r + any_ssi + any_welfare + any_charity)
- earnings2: mlinear model with eleven predictors
lm (earnings ~ interest + male + over65 + white + immig + educ_r + workmos + workhrs_top + any_ssi
+ any_welfare + any_charity)
- election88: multi-level logistic regression model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ black + female + (1 | state), family=binomial(link="logit"))
- election88_full: multi-level logistic regression model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ black + female + black:female + v.prev.full + (1 | age) + (1 | edu) + (1 | age.edu)
+ (1 | state) + (1 | region.full), family=binomial(link="logit"))
- election88: multi-level logistic regression model with redundant parameterization
lmer (y ~ female + black + female:black + (1 | age) + (1 | edu) + (1 | age_edu) + (1 | state),
- election88_expansion: multi-level logistic regression model with parameter expansion
lmer (y ~ female + black + female:black + (1 | age) + (1 | edu) + (1 | age_edu) + (1 | state),
17.4_multilevel_logistic: multilevel logistic regression model
17.7_latent_glm: latent-data parameterization of multilevel logistic regression model
17.7_robit: robit regression model
- electric: linear model with one predictor
lm (post_test ~ treatment)
- electric: linear model with two predictors
lm (post_test ~ pre_test + treatment)
- electric: linear model with two predictors and interaction
lm (post_test ~ pre_test + treatment + pre_test:treatment)
- electric_1a: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and slope
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | pair) + (treatment | grade))
- electric_1b: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and slope
lmer (y ~ treatment + pre_test + (1 | pair))
- electric_1c: multi-level linear model with group level factors
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | pair) + (treatment | grade) + (pre_test | grade))
- electric: multi-level linear model with varying intercept
lmer (y ~ treatment + (1 | pair))
- grades: linear model with one predictor
lm (final ~ midterm)
- hiv: multi-level linear model with varying slope and intercept
lmer (y ~ time + (1 + time | person)
- hiv_inter: multi-level linear model with interaction and varying slope and intercept
lmer (y ~ time:treatment + (1 + time | person)
- ideo: linear model with two predictors
lm (score1 ~ party + x, subset=overlap)
- ideo: linear model with two predictors
lm (score1 ~ party + x, subset=incs)
- ideo: linear model with two predictors and reparamaterization
lm (score1 ~ party + I(z*(party==0)) + I(z*(party==1)), subset=incs)
- ideo: linear model with two predictors and interaction
lm (score1 ~ party + x + party:x, subset=incs)
- item_response: multi-level logistic regression model with parameter expansion
lmer (y ~ a:g + (a:g | k,j) + (g:b | k), family=binomial(link="logit"))
- kid_iq: linear model with one predictor
lm (kid_score ~ mom_hs)
- kid_iq: linear model with one predictor
lm (kid_score ~ mom_iq)
- kid_iq: linear model with two predictors
lm (kid_score ~ mom_hs + mom_iq)
- kid_iq: linear model with two predictors and interaction
lm (kid_score ~ mom_hs + mom_iq + mom_hs:mom_iq)
- kid_iq: linear model with two predictors
lm (ppvt ~ hs + afqt)
- kid_iq: linear model with two predictors and interaction centered using mean
lm (kid_score ~ c_mom_hs + c_mom_iq + c_mom_hs:c_mom_iq)
- kid_iq: linear model with two predictors and interaction centered using conventional points
lm (kid_score ~ c2_mom_hs + c2_mom_iq + c2_mom_hs:c2_mom_iq)
- kid_iq: linear model with two predictors and interaction centered using z-score
lm (kid_score ~ z_mom_hs + z_mom_iq + z_mom_hs:z_mom_iq)
- kid_iq: linear model with one factor
lm (kid_score ~ as.factor(mom_work))
- lightspeed: linear model with no predictors
lm (y ~ 1)
- mesquite: linear model with six predictors
lm (weight~ diam1 + diam2 + canopy_height + total_height + density + group)
- mesquite: linear model with six predictors and log transformation
lm (log_weight~ log_diam1 + log_diam2 + log_canopy_height + log_total_height + log_density + group)
- mesquite: linear model with one transformed predictor and log transformation
lm (log_weight ~ log_canopy_volume)
- mesquite: linear model with three predictors and three transformed predictors and log transformation
lm (log_weight ~ log_canopy_volume + log_canopy_area + log_canopy_shape + log_total_height + log_density + group)
- mesquite: linear model with one predictor and two transformed predictors and log transformation
lm (log_weight ~ log_canopy_volume + log_canopy_area + group)
- mesquite: linear model with two predictors and three transformed predictors and log transformation
lm (log_weight ~ log_canopy_volume + log_canopy_area + log_canopy_shape + log_total_height + group)
- nes: linear model with eight predictors
lm (partyid7 ~ real_ideo + race_adj + age30_44 + age45_64 + age65up + educ1 + gender + income)
- nes: generalized linear model with logit link function and one predictor
glm (vote ~ income, family=binomial(link="logit"))
- pilots: non-nested multi-level linear model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | group.id) (1 | scenario.id))
- pilots: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and redundant parameterization
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | treatment) + (1 | airport))
- pilots_expansion: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and parameter expansion
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | treatment) + (1 | airport))
* [17.3_flight_simulator](https://github.com/stan-dev/example-models/blob/master/ARM/Ch.17/17.3_flight_simulator.stan): varying intercept model
lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | treatment) + (1 | airport))
- radon_intercept: multi-level linear model with varying intercept
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | county))
- radon_complete_pool: multi-level linear model with complete pooling
lm (y ~ x)
- radon_no_pool: multi-level linear model with no pooling
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
- radon_group: multi-level linear model with group level predictor and individual level predictors
lmer (y ~ x + u + (1 | county))
- radon_vary_si: multi-level linear model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ x (1 + x | county))
- radon_inter_vary: multi-level linear model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ x + u.full + x:u.full + (1 + x | county))
- radon_redundant: multi-level liner model with varying intercept and redundant parameterization
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | county))
- radon_vary_intercept_a: multi-level linear model with varying intercept set up to calculate pooling factors
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
- radon_vary_intercept_b: multi-level linear model with varying intercept set up to calculate pooling factors
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
- anova_radon_nopred: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and set up for ANOVA
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | county))
- radon_vary_intercept_floor: multi-level linear model with varying intercept
lmer (y ~ u + x + (1 | county))
- radon_vary_intercept_floor2: multi-level linear model with varying intercept
lmer (y ~ u + x + x_mean + (1 | county))
- radon_vary_intercept_nofloor: multi-level linear model with varying intercept
lmer (y ~ u + (1 | county))
17.1_radon_multi_varying_coef: multiply varying coefficients model
17.1_radon_vary_inter_slope: varying intercept and slope model
17.1_radon_correlation: varying intercept and slope model with correlation between slopes and intercepts
17.1_radon_wishart: scaled inverse wishart model
17.1_radon_wishart2: two varying coefficients model with unmodeled individual-level coefficients
17.2_radon_multi_varying_coef: multiply varying coefficients model with group level predictors
17.2_radon_vary_inter_slope: varying intercept and slope model with group level predictors
17.2_radon_correlation: varying intercept and slope model with correlation between slopes and intercepts and group level predictors
17.2_radon_wishart: scaled inverse wishart model with group level predictors
- roaches: poisson regression model with exposure and three predictors
glm (y ~ roach1 + treatment + senior, family=poisson, offset=log(exposure2))
- roaches_overdispersion: poisson overdispersion regression model with exposure and three predictors
glm(y ~ roach1 + treatment + senior, family=quasipoisson, offset=log(exposure2))
- sesame: linear model with one predictor
lm (watched ~ encouraged)
- sesame: linear model with one predictor
lm (y ~ encouraged)
- sesame: linear model with one predictor
lm (y ~ watched_hat)
- sesame: linear model with three predictors and one factor
lm (watched ~ encouraged + pretest + as.factor(site) + setting)
- sesame: linear model with three predictors and one factor
lm (y ~ watched_hat + pretest + as.factor(site) + setting)
sesame_street1: multi-level linear model using multivariate normal
sesame_street2: multi-level linear model using multivariate normal
- multiple_comparisons: multi-level linear model that serves as a multiple comparisons example
lmer (y ~ theta (theta | j))
- r_sqr: multi-level linear model with appropriate calculations for R^2
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 + x | county))
- finite_populations: linear model with appropriate calculations for calculating the standard deviation of a finite population
lm (g ~ u_1 + u)
- unemployment: linear model with one predictor
lm (y ~ y_lag)
- weight: centered linear model
lm (y ~ c_height + 1)
- weight_censored: censored weight model
- wells: generalized linear model with logit link function and one predictor
glm (switc ~ dist, family=binomial(link="logit"))
- wells: generalized linear model with logit link function and one predictor
glm (switc ~ dist100, family=binomial(link="logit"))
- wells: generalized linear model with logit link function and two predictors and interaction
glm (switc ~ dist100 + arsenic + dist100:arsenic, family=binomial(link="logit"))
- wells: generalized linear model with logit link function with two predictors and interaction centered using mean
glm (switc ~ c_dist100 + c_arsenic + c_dist100:c_arsenic, family=binomial(link="logit"))
- wells: generalized linear model with logit link function and four predictors and interaction centered using mean
glm (switc ~ c_dist100 + c_arsenic + c_dist100:c_arsenic + assoc + educ4, family=binomial(link="logit"))
- wells: generalized linear model with logit link function and three predictors and interaction centered using mean
glm (switc ~ c_dist100 + c_arsenic + c_dist100:c_arsenic + educ4, family=binomial(link="logit"))
- wells: generalized linear model with logit link function and three predictors and interaction centered using mean
glm (switc ~ c_dist100 + c_arsenic + c_educ4 + c_dist100:c_arsenic + c_dist100:c_educ4 + c_arsenic:c_educ4,
- wells: generalized linear model with logit link function with three predictors and interaction with log transform and centered using mean
glm (switc ~ c_dist100 + c_log_arsenic + c_educ4 + c_dist100:c_log_arsenic + c_dist100:c_educ4
+ c_log_arsenic:c_educ4,
- wells: generalized linear model with logit link function with three predictors and interaction with log transform and centered using mean
glm (switc ~ dist100 + log_arsenic + educ4 + dist100:log_arsenic + dist100:educ4 + log_arsenic:educ4,
- wells: generalized linear model with logit link function and three predictors
glm (switc ~ dist100 + arsenic + educ4, family=binomial(link="logit"))
- wells: generalized linear model with logit link function and three predictors with interaction
glm (switc ~ dist100 + arsenic + educ4 + dist100:arsenic, family=binomial(link="logit"))
- wells: generalized linear model with probit link function and one predictor
glm (switc ~ dist100, family=binomial(link="probit"))