This is meant to be used with the Plasm Truffle box:
The plugin is used to get you started with a local standalone Moonbeam node quickly, the following commands are available:
To use plugin, run this command in existing truffle project. Plugins must be included as devDependancies
to execute with global command.
npm install --save-dev @plasm/plasm-truffle-plugin
Then setup the plugin in truffle-config.js
module.exports = {
/* ... rest of truffle-config */
plugins: [
In this context, installing means downloading the Docker image of the Plasm standalone dev node (requires Docker to be installed).
truffle run plasm install
Start the standalone Plasm dev node.
truffle run plasm start
Stop the standalone Plasm dev node. This will remove the container, thus purging the chain.
truffle run plasm stop
Pause the standalone Plasm dev node.
truffle run plasm pause
Unpause the standalone Plasm dev node.
truffle run plasm unpause
Shows the status of the standalone Plasm dev node.
truffle run plasm status
We welcome any feedback, so feel free to reach out through our official Discord Channel.
This repo extends from a fork of moonbeam_truffle_plugin.