- Name: EC Joint Research Centre - Global Surface Water
- Package:
- PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/stactools-jrc-gsw/
- Owner: @sparkgeo
- Dataset homepage: https://global-surface-water.appspot.com/
- STAC extensions used:
Global surface water products from the European Commission Joint Research Centre, based on Landsat 5, 7, and 8 imagery. Layers in this collection describe the occurrence, change, and seasonality of surface water from 1984-2020.
- As a python module
from stactools.jrc_gsw import stac, collections
from pystac.utils import str_to_datetime
collection_definition = collections.AGGREGATED
# Create a STAC Collection
# Create a STAC Item
- Using the CLI
# STAC Collection
stac jrc-gsw create-collection -d /tmp/collection_dir
# Create a STAC Item
stac jrc-gsw create-item -d /tmp/item_dir -s tests/data-files/Aggregated/LATEST/change/tiles/change-0000360000-0000480000.tif