- nginx (alpine)
- php-fpm 7 (alpine)
- MariaDB
First, make sure you have docker AND docker-compose installed on your host. If you have downloaded the latest version of your hot new php based CMS, unzip that bad boy into the root of the html folder.
chmod +x ./conform.sh && ./conform.sh
docker-compose -f docker-compose.http.yml up
cd tls
# fill in the needed entries and wait for the magic to happen
cd ..
docker-compose -f docker-compose.https.yml up
At which point Docker should do it's thing, pulling, building and getting ready for you to take over the interwebs. Yus.
But, you probably wanna make that thing more secure. So crack into the docker compose files and change the ENVvars to something more suitable than 'secret'. Customise away to your hearts content!
If you've already got a current CMS running, you will need to back up your static files and database.
Both MariaDB and PostgresSQL have a similar interface to import existing databases. This involves adding either a *.sql or *.sh script to the '/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d' directory. See the respective docker-compose files to see how to implement it. You may want to comment it out after the DB has been imported.
- Create script to download Wordpress latest and put files in the right places
- Configure Nginx confs for WP
- HA/Service Discovery/Load Balancing
Issues, PRs, new CMS stacks, db/php performance tweaks - bring all the things!