Course project for EE610
The project aims at achieving an image transformation from a low exposure image taen in a dimly lit environment to that taken by a long exposure camera.the dataset that has been used is the SID. Dataset prepared thanks to C. Chen et. al. For detailed analysis please refer to the project report named report.pdf .
The model is basically a conditional GAN with the generator trained on the adverserial loss and L1 error while the discriminator is trained on purely adverserial error.
*Fig 1.1: Model Pipeline *
First clone this repository using the following command and enter the repository.
foo@bar:~$git clone
foo@bar:~$cd SeeInTheDark
Once your are done install the prerequisites using the following command...
foo@bar:~$pip install -r requirements.txt
First move all your Training images and their ground truths into ./TrainInputs and the test images to the ./TestInputs directory in your current working directory. Make sure that all these images are in .ARW format.
Create a dictionary consisting of the image name as the key and entry is a dictionary consisting of the target image name and the relative exposure level to achieve and save it as a json file in your working directory. For eg:
{ "./TrainImages/10193_05_0.04s.ARW": {"Target": "./Sony/long/10193_00_10s.ARW","Exposure": 250.0} }
Create a dictionary consisting of the input image name and their target exposure and save it as a json file in the wroking directory. For eg:
{ "./TestInputs/short/10193_05_0.04s.ARW":250 }
To train the neural net run the following command. The loss plots for both validation and training shall be stored in the working directory and the checkpoint is stored in ./checkpoinnt folder .Feel free to use our checkpoint
foo@bar:~$python -m train -d <training json file> -c <checkpoint to continue from>
To test it on some images run the
foo@bar:~$python -m test -d <test json file > -c <checkpoint to use>
Input | Output | Ground Truth |