This is the documentation website for the Simulation Toolkit for Scientific Discovery (ST4SD).
Running and developing this website requires an up-to-date Node.js version. You can check what Node.js version you have currently installed with
node -v
Please refer to the Node.js download page if you don't have it installed or if your installed version is older than 16.
This website is built using Gatsby. To get started, install the Gatsby CLI using:
npm i -g gatsby-cli
Install the dependencies for this project with:
yarn install
Gatsby supports a local development mode with hot reload functionalities which makes it easy to preview the content you're creating. You can use it via
gatsby develop
If you want to refresh your local installation run gatsby clean
You can also try gatsby clean
As the website is served on GitHub from a sub-path, we need to use a flag when building with Gatsby to correctly support this. This difference could sometimes lead to assets to not working as expected, and thus it is strongly recommended to build the website for production and test it locally before merging changes. This can be done with the following commands:
gatsby build --prefix-paths
gatsby serve --prefix-paths
The website will then be available at the sub-path configured in gatsby-config.js
Please feel free to reach out to one of the maintainers listed in the page.
We always welcome external contributions. Please see our guidance for details on how to do so.
If you use ST4SD in your projects, please consider citing the following:
author = {Johnston, Michael A. and Vassiliadis, Vassilis and Pomponio, Alessandro and Pyzer-Knapp, Edward},
license = {Apache-2.0},
month = {12},
title = {{Simulation Toolkit for Scientific Discovery}},
url = {},
year = {2022}
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Please see details here.