NGX Logger is a simple logging module for angular (currently supports angular 5.*). It allows "pretty print" to the console, as well as allowing log messages to be POSTed to a URL for server-side logging.
- Updating your config after importing the module has never been easier...
this.logger.updateConfig({level: NgxLoggerLevel.DEBUG});
- You can now create a standalone logger with it's own config!
export class MyService {
private logger: NGXLogger;
constructor(customLogger: CustomNGXLoggerService) {
this.logger = customLogger.create({level: NgxLoggerLevel.ERROR});
- @angular/common
- @angular/core
npm install --save ngx-logger
Once installed you need to import our main module:
import { LoggerModule, NgxLoggerLevel } from 'ngx-logger';
The only remaining part is to list the imported module in your application module, passing in a config to intialize the logger.
declarations: [AppComponent, ...],
imports: [LoggerModule.forRoot({serverLoggingUrl: '/api/logs', level: NgxLoggerLevel.DEBUG, serverLogLevel: NgxLoggerLevel.ERROR}), ...],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
To use the Logger, you will need import it locally, then call one of the logging functions
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NGXLogger } from 'ngx-logger';
selector: 'your-component',
templateUrl: './your.component.html',
styleUrls: ['your.component.less'],
providers: [NGXLogger]
export class YourComponent {
constructor(private logger: NGXLogger) {
this.logger.debug('Your log message goes here');
this.logger.debug('Multiple', 'Argument', 'support');
- serverLogLevel - Only sends logs to the server for the level specified or higher (OFF disables the logger for the server)
- serverLoggingUrl - URL to POST logs
- level: The app will only log message for that level or higher (OFF disables the logger for the client)
If serverLogginUrl exists, NGX Logger will attempt to POST that log to the server.
Payload Example
{level: 'DEBUG', message: 'Your log message goes here'}
If you inject the of the NGX Logger services into your application. you will need to provide it in your Testing Module. All services have mocked classes that can be used for testing
- NGXLoggerHttpService: NGXLoggerHttpServiceMock
- CustomNGXLoggerService: CustomNGXLoggerServiceMock
- NGXLogger: NGXLoggerMock
To provide them in your Testing Module
providers: [
{provide: NGXLogger, useCLass: NGXLoggerMock},
All are welcome to contribute to NGX Logger. A couple quick notes to get started..
- NGX Logger is built with
- To use npm link, you must link the /src (or /dist after it is built) directory not root.
- When possible, try to follow patterns that have already been established in the library
- Try to make your code as simple as possible
- Even if the code could be made shorter, having code that is readable and easily understood is way more valuable
- Have fun!